More Job Stress


Well-known member
So, I have two jobs, as I have mentioned in other threads. The job I recently started is a little rocky (I don't think I'm doing a terrible job, I just feel that it may not be as good of a fit as we all originally thought). Today, my manager talked to me about some of her concerns, and I agreed that I needed to step up some (it requires more responsibility than I am used to, and, being new, I am still trying to figure stuff out, so being a "leader" seems difficult). This is a retail job, and I'd hate to quit before the holidays, leaving them with either an open position, or someone newer (but possibly better, if they hired someone else) than me.
I also need the money, so I am inclined to stay around for that boss there knows that my ultimate career ambitions are at my other place of employment, so I don't know that it would come as a huge shock if I didn't stay too long, but I feel guilty nonetheless.
I think I have pinpointed some reasons this is coming along slowly for me (a change of pace from my old job, new product and coupon policies to learn, etc.), but explaining why I'm not progressing like I had hoped doesn't make it any easier--I need to decide what to do: what information do I need from my boss/co-workers to be able to do my job as effectively as possible? Or, should I cut my losses and run?


You want to know how I got these scars?
"Or, should I cut my losses and run?"

Depends on what you ultimately want to do, and what you want from the 2nd job.
If you want the cash, stick to it as long as you need to, learning as you go. Ask for help and don't be afraid to ask questions. Many times I've had to ask the same question about the same thing, I feel stupid at times.
But I'd rather get feel a little silly asking questions than screw things up by not asking and just winging it.
So yea, ask questions, observe, repetition.. good luck :)


Well-known member
I have almost decided to quit my second job. I wish I could just stop going and move on, but I would feel too guilty. It's not worth the stress, even though I need money. I am not looking forward to putting in my two weeks' notice, then working for the duration of that. The sooner the better, though, I am losing sleep and having trouble functioning as a result of the stress. If I turn it in within the next couple of days, I will avoid working Black Friday, which is both a relief and makes me feel really guilty. I feel like I would be a liability if I stayed on. . .


Well-known member
I recommend petsitting and or babysitting. Sometimes I make the same amount as my "real job" :s It takes awhile to find people but i've been using "next-door" to talk to neighbors and found a couple people that needed that service. Also there are agencies online that can help you. It's flexible too.


Well-known member
I officially turned in my two weeks' notice at my second job today. Fortunately, I left two hours before the boss came in, so I didn't have to directly confront her. I do work with her on Saturday, and next Monday, which I am not looking forward too, even though she is nice. I am very relieved at the idea of not having to work retail this holiday season. I have also applied for higher-paying positions at my other job, so hopefully one of those will pan out...