Mixed results about an interview.


Today I had a 2nd interview at a Petsmart and I went in confident and smiling, but I got a bad vibe from the manager I talked to. He really railed me on my lack of work history and at one point my grades. "Why not A's?" I don't appreciate lying but its not as if i am going to talk about depression I can't afford to treat really making it hard to study, in fact I cant really consider an appropriate answer to this question. I guess its the cousin to the "What is your greatest weakness" question.
He made a statement in the middle about how he has had a few people promise him the world and not deliver, so how can he just go on my word? But at the end of the interview he was nice and gave me some advice on how i seem introverted and need to sell myself a bit better and basically I SHOULD promise the world.
In the end it seemed like was trying to say he would like to give me a chance but it depends on how well their other candidate interviews.

While I realize that I am about 3 years behind most people on their first jobs I really hate this catch 22 of needing job experience to get a job or having to be a confident extrovert. Thats at least what it feels like to me.


Well-known member
that is completely ridiculous. look at it this way, you dont need to work for that guy anyway. he sounds like an arrogant prick. theres so many arrogant supervisors like that out there. dont sweat it. you sound pretty intelligent.
ive had one interview where this guy pretty much told me i was worthless and he would never hire me. to which i responded "well why did you ask me to come down here?" i have a college degree, but somehow im completely worthless....???? whatever.
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