mental hazard

People with mental illness almost always have thoughts that are too complicated, chaotic, or unorganized. This is called a 'complex'. The psychiatrist's job is to help the patient think in a simpler way, such as to focus on food, water, shelter, and physical warmth - basic human needs. Everything else is unimportant: stress from family, friends, work, love and other complex and difficult emotions and problems are ignored in favor of 'the basics'. This helps the patient focus on what is important in life. These basics are solid objects that are easier to understand and control. The patient relaxes because he/she no longer has the burden of complicated expectations and emotional stress. This is called 'shrinking the complex'. This is why psychiatrists are sometimes called 'shrinks'. Some psychiatrists are accused of making the patient's complex more complex, by focusing on relationships and asking the patient stressful questions.

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Staff member
Actually you are right vj, I've noticed it too and banned like 20 people over the last couple of months for spamming.

Must be due to the world recession or something