Men's hair


Well-known member
This is a question to all the men out there - what is your hair like?

I've had the same haircut all my life and though it doesn't look too bad (it is short and it's not quite a bowl), it can't be helping me look my age (20!).

Obviously there's shaving it very short but what else is there? Preferably I don't want to have to spend an hour putting gunk in it every day :)

Just wondered what you did with it.

I was thinking of just wandering into a hairdressers and asking what they think but it would be nice to have some idea.


Well-known member
I used to buzzcut mine but i got bored with it and because of the cold weather so i haven't cut my hair in months and it's really thick.


Well-known member
A good few years ago, I used to have long hair. I finally decided to have it chopped off when I had an interview for an admin job. :evil:

Now I've had the same haircut for a number of years, and on the whole, I'm quite happy with it. The only trouble with it, is the way it sometimes sticks up/ curls all over the place, then I have to get out the mousse and hairspray.

I have thought about changing the style, but I'm lacking in ideas. I guess I'll have to ask the hair dresser next time I go.


Well-known member
Thanks guys. I'll see. I have it in my head that it would give me a tiny bit more confidence. Then again I can imagine having it done, then looking in the mirror, thinking "crap, it's not me any more" and actually losing some.

Oh, and I realise how saying "it's not quite a bowl" makes it sound like it's a bowl. It's not that bad :lol:

Did it help any of you if/when you changed yours?


Well-known member
When I changed styles it did boost my confidence, but this was only temporarily (a few weeks).
I'm letting my freak flag fly

CSN&Y said:
Almost cut my hair
It happened just the other day
It's gettin kinda long
I coulda said it wasn't in my way
But I didn't and I wonder why
I feel like letting my freak flag fly
Cause I feel like I owe it to someone

Must be because I had the flu' for Christmas
And I'm not feeling up to par
It increases my paranoia
Like looking at my mirror and seeing a police car
But I'm not giving in an inch to fear
Cause I missed myself this year
I feel like I owe it to someone

When I finally get myself together
I'm going to get down in that sunny southern weather
And I find a place inside to laugh
Separate the wheat from the chaff
I feel like I owe it to someone


Active member
lol im 22 and am thinning at the front so i have to have my hair shaved to number 1. GRRRRRR i hate havin a shaved head lol.


I used to spike my hair (before everyone else started doing it and it became "cool") my hair is about shoulder length, but want to get it cut, dye it black with red tips and spike it....I know what I want it to look like in theory lol


Well-known member
This was a long time ago!

So if you're growing it longer, do you get someone to tidy it up at all when it's in between? It looks okay to me but I'm wondering if I should get it tidied up, unfortunately doing anything to it only makes it shorter again doesn't it ;)