memories resurfacing I thought I deleted

I watched this programme a couple of days ago and one of the actors in it reminded me of someone I knew and with this guy a traumatic experience happened which added to my anxiety and paranoia, I am not going into detail but I just pushed it to the back of my mind. I think I must of unlocked this memory because now the experience is floodinf back to me. How can a guy on the tv unlock a dark memory like that, I feel all these feelings resurfacing, disgusted, resentfulness, anger, pain and I cant stop thinking bout it. How do I relock it in my brain I thought I let go but obviously I had hidden it. This experience was when I was 18 and im 21 and have a new life a great partner and working to finish my uni course. I am happy so why all of a sudden did this memory just appear..I had totally forgotten about it.


Well-known member
This happen to me too. I could be sleeping, studying, or whatever and out of the blue memories from the past flood my brain and I get overwhelmed by all the emotions. It's like I took a time machine back to the past to relive the whole experience again. I realize that these memories will always be with me so there's no way to delete them. However, I'm trying to find a way to stop myself from being overwhelmed by the emotions and biases of the past. There are some memories I could recall with detachment, but others I have no control over. I don't want to erase my memories. I just don't want them to interfere with my present life.