meditation does help me


New member
I found out about meditating and its done me good but there are days I just find it hard to find the time not because i am bizzy but because if I go shopping then clean up then my life revolves around tv.Has any one else tried meditating and if so how did you feel.I done it for over a month and i felt great just got to put some time in my day only about 20 minutes.I have done it for an hour some days


Well-known member
You don't need to meditate for an hour. The key to learning to meditate well is doing some form of meditation EVERY day. You could even close your eyes for 5 minutes, and quiet your mind on some days, and that would be enough. The key is daily.

Meditating for an hour is hard for even veteran meditators. Especially to think this is necessary every day.