Medicinal or Dependancy


Well-known member
I take xanex rouhly 2/3times weekly. At max its 5/6times. i rely on them to get me through things like voluntering/social events etc.

am i using them as i should be or am i becoming dependant on them? Saying that i do feel that if they were to be taken away from me i couldnt do anything; they keep me going...

Any opinions or advice would be greatly apprichated... :confused:

Take Care...
Well Something

How many do you take each time, and what mg? It's xanax so, I know it really can help a lot with stuff like that. I used to have a prescription but I don't anymore for the reason of taking way too many at once. Just be careful with it, and try to use it only when you feel you actually need it, and try not to make it a daily thing. You sound okay so far, just don't overdo it.


Well-known member
I would only take them once in a day. But on rare days if there is two things on in the day that i have to attend i may take two.
They are 0.5mg. The middle strength ones.

I have gotten myself into a routine of taking them before i actully get to where im going. For example, i will take one just before i leave my house, then i have to get the bus before i get where im going.
Do you think i should wait until i get to the situation to actully take one??