Martial Arts, Boxing, etc


Well-known member
Im looking for learing any self defense techniques.. Basically somethin id enjoy also and is easy to learn and doesnt require a big body to get it done ...
I actually gained interest in boxing like a year ago and started learing some basic stuff about it at home yet its a rough sport and would require some proper dedication along with a proper body and im not the type that gets that dedicated... Any ideas what would be fit for my needs.. i wana do something useful after work and nothing appeals to me like boxing and similiar.. What about maui thai?

Looking forward for your advise... Thanks...


Well-known member
It's probably not the same but if they had a Nintendo wii game that could train you in that, I would suggest do that, that way you could do it in your own leisure. The nintendo wii boxing is not bad, kind of funny with the expressions on their faces that they pull.::p:


Well-known member
I found a boxing gym near my office.. Ive been thinking about it for sometime.. but im hesitant cuz i lack serious dedication when it comes to sports.. I feel this will complete me...
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Well-known member
That worked out well. :)

I personally don’t like sport or activities like boxing but I remember I use to have a WWE Nintendo game and what I loved best about it was dressing up the characters in their outfits before they went out onto the ring.

I am some-what interested in self defense but never would do it at a gym or anything like that but it is a great that you are pushing yourself to do something you enjoy and interact with others.


Well-known member
I got high hopes on this one, its kickboxing classes they closed down boxing i dunno why.
I cut down on cigarettes for it.. i feel ill enjoy it.. Im going on Jan.2 to the 1st class to see whatsup... Beats the Gym, i dont find pleasure in it... I will force myself to it..