Manic depressive?


Well-known member
This thread probably doesn't belong here but...whatever. heh.

I've been suspecting this for a while and I just have one question...How do I know for sure if I could be bipolar without seeing a doctor?

Every other day my mood seems to switch up..but I've read that bipolar sufferers can go from months being very depressed to months being content with themselves. For me it's just DAYS..

How can I be certain that I'm bipolar?


Well-known member
I'm not sure, i guess that some people's moods change within a few days whereas others a few months. The only thing you can do is see a professional.


Well-known member
I think it's difficult diagnosing bipolar disorder on your own, you should probably see a doctor. I suspected I was bipolar for a while because of severe mania that can last for months, and after speaking with my therapist about things she feels I may be too.
There's a lot of other symptoms that can go along with it.
I think in this case seeing a doctor might really help you. Good luck.
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Well-known member
I'm pretty sure to be diagnosed with Bipolar you have to experience at least one full on cycle of severe mania/depression. As you say, these cycles normally last months as opposed to days. Even in the 'rapid cycling' form of the disorder, there is only 4 or so mood shifts in the course of a year, so it's probably unlikely you are indeed biploar.

You are probably just depressed, but when the lows lift, the relief of it energizes you and lifts your mood considerably, until another low comes, creating the effect of a small manic cycle. This is what happens with me and I also used to think I was bipolar when younger to. It was only after meeting a couple of people with diagnosed bipolar that I realised the extreme nature of the disorder and that I was far from having it.

Go and see a pro though if it's concerning you - it would probably be for the best. :)


Well-known member
Only a pdoc can diagnose bi polar. I am diagnosed bi polar II. Random guy pretty much summed up some of the diagnosis criteria.