Managaed anxiety but still sad because I'm introvert


Well-known member
To be honest I kind of feel stressed out and down. I know how it feels to be uncomfortable and wanting to vomit and not throw up because of just feeling overly stressed out after a big social event. I just feel drained going to a staff meeting today even though it went fairly well and that I was somewhat confident. I just hate the fact that it's not really me. I'm not the type of person who likes meetings or who likes gathering around a circle as a group outside the building before the meeting socializing. I'm just really introvert. I was really great at hiding my anxiety at the time but I just feel so bad about it. I guess just because you can manage your anxiety doesn't mean you'll be happy. You would still feel drained just because of the fact that you are so introvert and don't want to do these social things despite managing or minimizing your anxiety ::(:


I totally can relate with you I have managed my symptoms again bit still feel **** coz I hate avoiding things and am sick of it but I still feel highly uncomfortable around social situations where you cant drink grrrr


Well-known member
I hate avoiding things and am sick of it but I still feel highly uncomfortable around social situations where you cant drink grrrr

yep, if i cant drink i still feel alittle weird and anxious. I really am trying hard not to become an alcoholic though i have contemplated just drinking all the time.


Well-known member
I guess I can really decrease my anxiety levels but I just don't enjoy the social situations as an introvert. I know this might not make too much sense and all.


Well-known member
I guess I can really decrease my anxiety levels but I just don't enjoy the social situations as an introvert. I know this might not make too much sense and all.

i understand i think, like you wont feel that terrible "anxiety" but you would just rather be home or doing something you enjoy in solitude

But one thing i would like to ask is that do you still not enjoy social situations where your around say a best friend who is TRYING to make you comfterble?


Well-known member
I think this is more a case of mild depression than being an introvert as such. There are many introverts out there that love socialising, however they feel more energised when they are alone doing there own thing.

Depression usually comes about when you have a desire for something and seemingly no way of achieving it, or you feel that a choice that you made was the wrong one. Depression is what drains your energy the most. You may have a desire to be liked, or to be able to socialise better, or a desire to be a better contributor in your workplace. When you realise that you can't fulfill one or more of those desires at this time, you energy plummets and you start feeling helpless, unworthy, and depressed.

However the positive is that there is more and more understanding about depression these days and finding a solution is a lot easier. It could be a case of accepting yourself for who you are and realise that you will never like meetings (and a lot of people don't), and situations that others will comfortable with.