Making New Friends at the Same School


New member
So my only friend graduated this year. :crying: She had the same issues as me, so it was easy to be friends with her. The problem is, I don't know how to make more friends at my school. :idontknow: And if worse comes to worst, how do I eat lunch alone each day at school? I always feel so judged when I have to.
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Well-known member
You have some options. You could join a club at your school and make some friends there. You could opt to go to the library or something if you honestly can't bear the anxiety of eating alone. Or you can eat alone and keep yourself preoccupied with something. I usually read a book during lunch. People didn't pay that much attention to me. In fact, some people came to talk to me when I ate alone. You may be able to make friends through that.


New member
I'm the president of one of the clubs, but all of my members graduated! I have to find more. Maybe I'll join some new clubs though.