Making jokes

Ever have the problem that because you're serious so much of the time, when you make a joke, people think that you're serious and they just sort of stare in confusion? I say a lot of witty one-liners that crack people up a lot, but sometimes I say it with a straight face for comedic effect (like they do in all sitcoms, or movies) and people just don't seem to realize that I'm joking until I crack a grin on my face.

What's it like for you to make people laugh?


Well-known member
yeah that happens to me sometimes! i'll say a joke and people will look at me with a wtf look on their face, it's really awkward!


Well-known member
I love making jokes! Except noone finds my jokes funny. The problem isnt that they think im serious, but they think the joke is stupid.

But whatever, they make me laugh! Thats the important thing.

Carstuar I keep noticing that im always posting right after you, lol. I swear im not stalking you and those awesome blue eyes of yours :wink:


Well-known member
It's interesting when you include someone new in your circle of friends, and you have to spend time getting used to their perception of your jokes and how to deliver them for the greatest effect to the new person. It's good practice, really.


Well-known member
I never crack a joke in public. I think that they won't get it and/or won't find it funny. It would be uncharacteristic anyways because im so serious most of the time.


Well-known member
I have this problem. I realized that I need to be in the right 'flow' that everyone else is in and then they laugh, otherwise I get the awkward stares. It sucks 'cause it make me not even want to try again. Something else I've noticed is that people who do say funny things also tell jokes that bomb and they don't let it bother them, they just quickly move on.


Well-known member
Thats the problem, the bomb simply hurts too much. And our lack of confidence when it comes to these things, it is more than likely to be a bomb, that blows back up in your face. Its not worth the risk imo.
Zarrix said:
Thats the problem, the bomb simply hurts too much. And our lack of confidence when it comes to these things, it is more than likely to be a bomb, that blows back up in your face. Its not worth the risk imo.

Exactly. For me, it's quality over quantity, unlike most people. I know when people are going to laugh, and I'm damn sure it's funny before I open my mouth. I'm right 95% of the time, the other 5%, I'm either interrupted in the middle of it, or I stumble over my words. Otherwise, I make the whole class crack up. Usually using witty sarcasm.


Well-known member
I can't see myself doing that atm, except around some of my friends, who kind of understand me.


Well-known member
Yup. I'll often start a joke, which sounds like it's going somewhere, then suddenly get stuck halfway through and not be able to finish it properly...someone else has to then pick up from where I left off, or I just have to change the's well embarrassing, and if it's a really terrible mess-up it tends to stay with me for a long time

Caused by a combo of gaps in my understanding of social conventions, along with anxiety I think
stardog said:
Yup. I'll often start a joke, which sounds like it's going somewhere, then suddenly get stuck halfway through and not be able to finish it properly...someone else has to then pick up from where I left off, or I just have to change the's well embarrassing, and if it's a really terrible mess-up it tends to stay with me for a long time

Caused by a combo of gaps in my understanding of social conventions, along with anxiety I think

I understand social conversations, maybe too well, and I over think things. I wish I could be a writer of other people's conversations, since a lot of what I think in my own head I'm not comfortable saying out loud since I know people would look at me weird, but I know if someone else said it, people would be like "hahaha, oh you!!" :p


Active member
I can only make my really close friends laugh, but everyone else just stops and goes "what" or something like that, and it just makes me feel worthless, so I really only talk around my friends...


Well-known member
I hate when I'm in a group of people who are all telling jokes and they look at me, expecting me to join in. Even if people have only been telling really cheesy old jokes (like an Englishman, Irishman and a Scotsman walk into a bar... etc) I still can't think of anything to say. My mind just goes blank and I can't think of even the smallest joke!

One time I tried to spontaneously tell a joke to my boyfriend's sister and her boyfriend, but even with only two people listening I couldn't do it! My face must've gone bright red because it felt like it was burning, and I just stumbled lamely to the end of the joke, getting quieter and quieter as I went. Ugh, sometimes I really hate being me :oops:


Well-known member
princess_haru said:
I hate when I'm in a group of people who are all telling jokes and they look at me, expecting me to join in. Even if people have only been telling really cheesy old jokes (like an Englishman, Irishman and a Scotsman walk into a bar... etc) I still can't think of anything to say. My mind just goes blank and I can't think of even the smallest joke!

One time I tried to spontaneously tell a joke to my boyfriend's sister and her boyfriend, but even with only two people listening I couldn't do it! My face must've gone bright red because it felt like it was burning, and I just stumbled lamely to the end of the joke, getting quieter and quieter as I went. Ugh, sometimes I really hate being me :oops:

agh, not those 'joke' jokes, i can never remember them but im glad because in the only time i ever told one the exact same thing happened to me.

Anyway, for me it's strange how in the rare occasions when i feel slightly at ease ill say things which i think are a bit funny but not THAT funny and people will find them hilarious and ill be surprised, then when i am more self conscious and TRYING to be hilarious to break the ice or whatever ill say something which i think is funny and i get nothing. So it seems for me that the more spontaneous i am the better. But of course as we all know spontenaety and anxiety arent exactly bosom buddies so these moments are quite rare for me.