making friends and chatting


Well-known member
hey, im not sure if a thread like this has been made but figured il'd do it anyway.

i dont actually have any friends anymore we drifted apart over time and very rarely talk even online, as i quit playing WoW i have lost touch with all my online friends aswell and the only social life i have atm is 2/3 people i talk to on facebook very rarely and there more of family then friends.

so ive decided to take a different route in making friends as i dont like going out that much and have trouble being social with people face to face that i dont know.

so this is a place to chat, get to know each other, make friends or maybe more for some people.

feel free to chat about anything or ask me anything no matter how personal, just try keep it positive if possible, if it does go a bit negative try turn it around :)



Well-known member
i dont know what CBT is lol, i dont mind not going out to be honest, im used to it now, been nearly 3 years now but just want some friends i can be social and have a laugh with even if its just online.