Ma and Pa

It could be. I mean phobia is mostly gained by experience. Being abused as a child, being bullied, you know things like too negative experience can make our soul wounded.


Well-known member
absolutely to a degree ...

you live in your parents house under their rules and ways for so many years its almost impossible that their influence wont have an impact on you to some extent, at the same time there comes a time when you can think for yourself and you go to school and you can if you choose become the person you'd like to be, independent but its so much easier if you have well learned mentors in regards to living life and education ...

only thing is you inheret their genes, 50/50 but you also gain the ability to dictate a new person in yourself, they will have many positive qualities and others that are not so helpful to you ..

my folks were really uptight and are high octane conservative in terms of parenting, it made growing up in that household not so fun dad had a troubled upbringing and he would isolate himself from many people in our family, he was like a ticking time bomb with a short temper ...mum is your typical mother, very cliched, says "be careful" everytime i went out for a drive, is very rigid in lifestyle but ultimately they were both very strict .. .. my reaction to them was of "the scary teacher" you feared in school growing up ..

moving out sooner then later was the best thing for me, i need to crash and burn and learn from my mistakes, learn the hard way and do it all by myself, i cant live with them anymore without wanting to run away ..

i certainly appreciate the effort it took to provide and to give it their all and i'm fully aware that deep down they are intelligent/decent people, but in most cases we just clashed and they adopted the attitude of the controlling/dictating parents who used guilt and worry to make a point, every day ....and it just sapped the energy out of potentially having a friendship because i would always counter-argue if i disagreed and to them that meant i was in the wrong rather then seeing it as just an opinion, i'm not friends with my parents nor am i with my sister because we lived together but none of us really opened up and talked alot it was mainly fights and arguments ....

lately ive been thinking of moving overseas so i'm out of the loop because in my experiance with my family i'd feel better bening as far away as possible, sad but true ..

i never felt/feel comfortable around them at all

i moved out and every time i visit i feel like i'm being interrogated by the CIA rather then just having a fun/happy time ...


Well-known member
Jejune said:
You like The Mighty Boosh, huh?

Me too!

they used to play it after tee-bag in 04 ..
the mighty boosh is one big adventurous hallucination in sitcom format.
you feel in another dimension watching it..

i love the banter between vince and howard in series one at the zoo.

alot of people dont get it and i dont get them.


Well-known member
i can't blame them cause i can find a hundred other reasons or persons that ''helped'' me be in this situation today.but i don't wanna blame anyone...i mean what happens happens.i can't make ppl take back what they said.the real deal is get over those thoughts and continue with mylife
Yea I do to some extent. It's not all their fault but they certainly didn't do me any favors. Mostly my dad.