

Well-known member
I blush when I have to talk to people too, even if it's people I know. You're right people give you the wierdest looks when you blush, or they say somthing stupid like you're face is so red. Like we dont know when its happening. grr. It usually happens to me when I get caught off guard by thinking they won't talk to me then they do and i don't know what to say. I don't really have any methods you can use I've heard of a lot of "cures" on here but I've never tried them so I wouldn't know. So just hang in there, you're not alone.


Well-known member
sorry i can't help u there im useless in this department. But i do share ur problem and bitch does not do it justice. I feel like on fire. I agree it happens just out of the blue sometimes. :x
I understand what you mean, i get blushing occasionally.Normally when im going through a * bad patch* i find when i talk, i get all hot and feel myself go red.Its very embarassing , just last week when talking to someone he said" what you going red for" to which i replied " i think im coming down with something, im getting a temperature :? "


New member
Hey all,
sucks dunnit. I'm 22 and I've been experiencing severe blushing in social situations since I was about 13. You're totally right, people can be real prats, some of my 'friends' have even tried to make me go red on occasion 'cos they think its funny, which as you can imagine isn't particularly encouraging!! I feel like an outgoing person trapped in a shy persons body. I have tried muscle relaxing exercises to try and keep my breathing and heart rate under control which have helped a little but never found anything which makes me feel completely in control. Hey, maybe we should try and make red fashionable!!


over_the_weather said:
I feel like an outgoing person trapped in a shy persons body. I have tried muscle relaxing exercises to try and keep my breathing and heart rate under control which have helped a little but never found anything which makes me feel completely in control.
These are perfect words for me also. My face blushes and eyes look like I haven't slept for last few days! They look so confused and weak. :x