Lucky in love? Not me.


Well-known member
I can't seem to make up my mind.

For a few months, I'm whining and bitching about how I can't seem to get a boyfriend because every guy I see that I start getting a little attracted to has a girlfriend, and every guy who likes me is so not my type.

Then a friend from home tries to set me up with a friend/co-worker of hers during my spring break.

Now, don't get me wrong; I talked to him and got to know him better and everything. . . but eventually I came to the conclusion that I don't want a relationship and just want to be isolated and left alone. I haven't talked to this guy in quite a while now, though I wasn't really the one who began all of our online conversations anyway, so in a way he stopped talking to me (not that I really care).

I told my friend about how I don't want a relationship and just want to be alone, and she doesn't seem to understand. She told me that if I don't "live [my] life right now, [I'll] regret it in the future." Obviously we both have this different definition of "life," because "life" for me isn't meeting as many people as I can; it's getting by and being successful.

I'm now afraid to hang with her because I'm nervous she's going to try to pressure me into doing things I absolutely don't want to do, as well as continue trying to set me up, even though I've made it clear to her that I don't want a relationship at all.

What shocked me even more was her suggestion that I date some random guy for the hell of it, and if it doesn't work out, oh well. I don't think so. I'm not the type of person who can just date someone; I have to like them a lot first, and they have to like me back. Dating someone you don't like is like casual sex without the sex. It's not for me, and since it isn't exactly for her, either, she should know better than to suggest that to me.

So yeah. I haven't been talking to either my friend or her friend/co-worker at all lately, and I would like to keep it that way until I don't feel so awkward (which is going to be a very long while).

Any thoughts?


Well-known member
I think you're right. If you genuinely believe you don't want a relationship right now, and your friend is still harping on about "getting out there and living life" (according to her subjective definitions, obviously), distancing yourself from her might be the most sensible thing to do. Otherwise, you're likely to end up playing with some hapless male's feelings, even though your heart's not in it -- which is a bit cruel. You need to decide what it is you really want. (And what it is you definitely don't want.) Then, as the mistress of your own destiny, do what's best for you.


Well-known member
Yeah, I know. I haven't talked to her at all lately because I think she doesn't want to bother me, what with my cat's death and all. >.>


Well-known member
I think you're just not in love. Otherwise you'd want to be around a special someone.

Same shit happened to me; I thought I just wanted to be left alone, but then a really cool chick comes along, and all I do is think about her. I don't have much "luck" with women either, but I'm just letting you know that the problem with you is PROBABLY that you haven't met someone you really like.

I want a girlfriend myself, but I'm really picky, so I don't want to be with just anyone either. I think the most important thing I've learned is to be with someone who has similar interests and who wants to be with me as much as I want to be with her.


Well-known member
Do what feels right to you. The media and society leads us to believe that we all must be dating but why should we follow everyone else?


Well-known member

It seems as if every time the damn weekend rolls around, this 'friend' of mine texts me asking what I'm doing. Probably in hopes of getting me to hang out with her.

I don't want to hang out with her, though.

In fact, I haven't even been answering her text messages because I really don't feel like talking to her, or to very many others, for that matter. I feel like a bit of an ass for it, but I really don't care. If she asks why I haven't been responding to her text messages, I'm either going to tell her the truth (that I don't want to be around anyone lately), or that I've been really busy with my family. The latter seems the less harsh of the two, but then I like to be honest. . .

I just wish she'd stop texting me altogether, though. I mean, she has other friends that she's closer to, so it's not like it's much of a big deal if I don't hang out with her. It's not like we're 'best friends' or any shit like that.



Well-known member
If she asks why I haven't been responding to her text messages, I'm either going to tell her the truth (that I don't want to be around anyone lately), or that I've been really busy with my family. [...] I just wish she'd stop texting me altogether, though.
Tell her you don't feel like talking to anyone, and that you will contact her, should you be in the right mood. That's not harsh, it's the truth and it's not as personal as it could be, as you don't want to be around -anyone-.

She told me that if I don't "live [my] life right now, [I'll] regret it in the future."
I'd shun such people from the get-go.