low self-esteem


Well-known member
I've been dealing with huge depression since i moved away from my family to an another country. living here all by myself for 2 months by now. I'm 24 and always lived with my parents till now. I feel insecure and always scared whenever i try to do something. for example i was on this language lesson, didnt understand the words while everyone does i panicked inside out and blank out rest of the class without learning anything. My self-esteem is even got lower since then.And being not good with people is even makes everything worse. Since I don't talk to people too much, all the people around me is looking at me with miserable way, like I'm sick or something I hate that...I actually came here to live my life but seeing that i am not capable of doing that gives me frustration feeling and making me force myself which led me to huge depression. as if my anxiety these days werent enough, today i got a bad haircut, lost my lovely long hair. which basically was my only self-esteem point. changed my whole appearance. I feel so depressed even more. I'm basically paralyzed don't have courage to do things..just want to lock mself away from people and that hurts even more. nothing goes right always making wrong choices and i will never learn how to stop it...
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Well-known member
You've got to find good traits about yourself. Believe it or not, they do exist.

I sympathise with low self-esteem, however. Fellow sufferer right here.


Well-known member
i'm feeling like you right now.

i'm with a huge Social Anxiety and also low self-esteem caused by my shyness and by my discontentment with how i looks (nerd alike).

what i'm doing is take more risk and face the shyness, for example, you could ask your language teacher to explain again what you are not understanding...
Try to dont care about the judgment of the other students they are in the same boat, sometimes they also have doubts but they dont ask for the same reason as you.

As i said i'm feeling like you, i know its freaking hard to face the shyness, but you'll have to do this sooner or later... I'm feeling exhausted of fighting it, i'm even taking medicines cause it raised my Anxiety and my Depression, if you can, look for professional help and open yourself to your parents, they can help, say what are disturbing you or argue about it to them, they might get worried (in a good way) and support you.

Its a war, fight the battles against the shyness and fear... if you lose some (say stupid things or get awkward) use them as experience to the next times, learn how you must act is these moments, get prepared!

idk man, good luck to us!

*srry my english*


Well-known member
Don't beat your self up. Things go wrong for everyone. I think its just stress being in a new place and a new country for that matter. I think once you have been there for awhile and started settling in it will get better. It may take you longer becaseue of your low self estem and your social Anxiety but I think you can do it. You already took the first step and are much braver than lot of people by just moving out on your own to a new country. Where did you move too if you don;t mind me asking?


Well-known member
I moved to another city after high school and lived away from home for about 4 years. Big mistake. Given the circumstances, I shouldn't have moved out; I'm immature, have social phobia, am very shy, have an introverted personality, am very cynical and distrustful of people, have been through trauma, etc etc. Basically, everything about me screams, "F--- society!" But, I was like a sheep following a herd, because many of my friends and peers are moving out of their parents' home so I thought to myself, "Why not me?"

Long story short, I moved back in and am starting to recover. Now, I could care less what society thinks about my living situation. So what if they think I'm a loser because I'm living with my parents? They can take back their words and shove it.


Well-known member
I moved to another city after high school and lived away from home for about 4 years. Big mistake. Given the circumstances, I shouldn't have moved out; I'm immature, have social phobia, am very shy, have an introverted personality, am very cynical and distrustful of people, have been through trauma, etc etc. Basically, everything about me screams, "F--- society!" But, I was like a sheep following a herd, because many of my friends and peers are moving out of their parents' home so I thought to myself, "Why not me?"

Long story short, I moved back in and am starting to recover. Now, I could care less what society thinks about my living situation. So what if they think I'm a loser because I'm living with my parents? They can take back their words and shove it.

Don;t feel bad Jaim alot of people move back home. specially in this economy I have been living on my own for 5 years now I have thought about moving back my self but only becasue it would be alot eazier money wize for me. I do like the freedom I have though even if I stay home most of the time and my cooking sucks. You are what in your early late twentys? You still have plenty of time. I didn't truly move out until I was 28 although most of my 20s I didn;t live at home all the time.


Well-known member
Don;t feel bad Jaim alot of people move back home. specially in this economy I have been living on my own for 5 years now I have thought about moving back my self but only becasue it would be alot eazier money wize for me. I do like the freedom I have though even if I stay home most of the time and my cooking sucks. You are what in your early late twentys? You still have plenty of time. I didn't truly move out until I was 28 although most of my 20s I didn;t live at home all the time.

Yes, I'm in my 20s. Sometimes, I feel pressure to be like my friends, who are living by themselves and having good careers. But I don't feel that bad anymore. I don't want to copy other people all the time.


Well-known member
Yes, I'm in my 20s. Sometimes, I feel pressure to be like my friends, who are living by themselves and having good careers. But I don't feel that bad anymore. I don't want to copy other people all the time.

I always feel that way One of my biggest regretts was not going to college but you cant let people dictate who your. You are a indavidual and a unique person there is only one of each of us in this world Just be you.


Well-known member
Don't beat your self up. Things go wrong for everyone. I think its just stress being in a new place and a new country for that matter. I think once you have been there for awhile and started settling in it will get better. It may take you longer becaseue of your low self estem and your social Anxiety but I think you can do it. You already took the first step and are much braver than lot of people by just moving out on your own to a new country. Where did you move too if you don;t mind me asking?

I moved from Turkey to Denmark. and you might realize the culture shock for me. because being from agricultural society plus me being social anxiety it hurted me like hell. I got the looks though but got a bad haircut 2 days ago was enough to let me feel down here. now im thiking like im done for i cant do a **** ere with this hairs i know im overexaggreting but im also obsessive. There is party tonight and im not even arsed to go there because i have insecurities with both my appearance and social anxiety right now... fml.
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