"Low life"


Well-known member
Excuse me? I'm not criticizing. I'm saying that a lot of people would judge you if a total stranger told them that all they did all day was sit around and watch tv and not work. They're not going to know that this person has anxiety issues are they? They're going to take you at face value.

People judge others, yes, even you. That's just a fact of life. It's not fair sometimes but that's the way it is. No, you shouldn't base your self worth on what others think about you but at the same time you should care about improving yourself and not just whine and cry when people see you in a certain way because everyone does it.

I did misinterpret some of what you said, my fault.

Of course people judge others, everyone does that, I do the same thing. But about making my negative judgment of someone else known to them, no, that is not my thing. In my observation most of the time I've had this happen, the perpetrators were j-erks who also did the same to others.

I agree it's a good idea to be productive in some way, although not a good idea to measure yourself up against other more accomplished people too often, because that can lead to envy and self-loathing.