Low Confidence!


Well-known member
She advised me to ignore the negative talk. Not to be controlled by the negative talk but to listen to my inner strength.
As a mental health nurse, surely she knows how difficult this is. She's right, don't get me wrong, but just ignoring all the hateful comments around you isn't easy. If someone says negative comments to you enough, you start to believe them.

I think you should go for the job, though. If it's a dream of yours, why let it go? You could be missing out on a rewarding life.

I have low confidence, too, so I know what you're going through, but I think you should try for the job and see how you go. You don't have to put up with the bullying you're currently experiencing.


Well-known member
Put it this way............... Do you know anyone who is cooler\better than your good self?

I've never met anyone who I'd rather be. I'm sure Mikey C above is the soundest person he knows.

I'm not talking arrogance here by the way. Everyone has faults. Their biggest being they're not you!

Really confident people are nobs anyway. Everyone thinks that.

Chin up dude. Think positive. Sounds like you've got a lot to offer! :)


Non-existent would be a more accurate summary of my self-esteem at this point. This is partially my own fault due to wasting far too much time in life, obstructing progress (especially academic progress). Sometimes I truly marvel at the fact that I haven't killed myself yet. Most days it feels like that itself is an achievement. So yes; I certainly empathize with the notion.


Well-known member
Just curious, are there a lot of non-educated people where you work? It is stereotypical of me to think this way, but from my own personal experience, I have found that the higher the average education level of everyone working in one place, the more respectful people are to each other. (I'm not saying that people who don't have higher education are not as nice, because I know lots of awesome people who don't have a degree.)