Love-shy male, is he interested & how do I take it further?

There's this guy at work, different departments. I'm an intern here, have 5 weeks left. I'm 21, he's 29. Well I kinda suspect this guy is love-shy. He hasn't had a gf all his life (I will just assume he has dated but hasnt been very intimate with girls). He does have female friends but seems to have only the same friends for years, a very small circle of them. I've seen him speak to girls and he seems normal and can talk. With his male friends at work, he seems alright too, pretty chatty. He's kinda quiet though and is always at his desk or busy with something. He's not one to stand ard and engage in idle gossip and only lunches with his male friends, alone or with a random older colleague. But he's really nice and soft-spoken. And he's not the type who's very friendly, not the HEY HELLO THERE!!! type. rather, he just stalks by ppl mostly.

Well, when we first met, it was at the door, and idk, but we just stood there and stared at each for a few seconds before i came to my senses (but he was still staring). Whenever I enter his side of the office, he'd observe me from his desk. In the early days, whenever he passed my desk, he'd at times glance and then avert his gaze quickly. But whenever we met in the corridor, his face'd already be on mine before i saw him and he actually holds the most amazing eye contact - but i always break it off.

When I did start smiling at him, things changed abit though, he started "checking" to see if im at my desk every morning, but in bet he'd ignore me. And he started hanging ard his friends' side pretty often (across from me), and I sometimes caught him discreetly watching me from there. He never came up to talk to me. Just last week I decided to just go speak to him. I kept moving away from him for some reason (i was nervous too) and he followed after me. He had his attention on my face and his body was directly facing mine all the time. I was keeping it very work-related but he kept asking me more questions abt me than i could abt him. Like did I like my job, my ethnicity, when was I graduating, was I working here after I did, what sorts of jobs or things in general interested me etc. His handshake was real firm and warm though.

After that, whenever he passed me, he'd make it more obvious he's looking at me, like he'd look for eye contact and if i smiled/waved, he did the same. Once, he very flirtily said hello to me and his friend turned to stare. However all i've been doing is, sitting on my chair and smiling at him whenever he passes. I spoke to him again yesterday, i told him I had 5 weeks left here, and he was like "5 weeks? 5 weeks? working here?" and seemed to be thinking abt something. Then a little into our conversation, he suddenly asked where did i usually have my lunch. and that led to what my religion was and if i had siblings at home. i did casually end it off by saying if he wanted lunch, he cld just let me know since i sometimes ate alone.

but OMG, he doesnt initiate anything if i dont!! how should i proceed with this guy? :confused:
This guy doesn't even sound shy. I wouldn't say half the things he said in like a zillion years.

well, there ARE different kinds of shy ppl. shyness is a continuum, like i said, he's not painfully shy, that still doesnt mean hes not shy.


Active member
Be dumb like me and never ask and cry everytime you think of her, him in your case......OR

Wait till your last day of work.... write all your emotions about him on a paper. (Start this now when your espcially in love ;) ) In your paper ask him if he loves you and if he does then come meet you at a romatic place....(some where quiet and nice just like you :) ) If he comes then look at him and smile and then stare something nice.(ex: a lake) If he really does like you he'll come sit next to you. If he's shy then you should talk first because now you got him under your spell.

If he rejects you then....move on ::(:

this is comming from a hopeless romantic
When I read your post OP it almost sounds like you are the shy one. :)

I say if you like him give him a chance but beware if he has been single his whole life
and if you date him it might be a big deal for him.
So do not be one of those "like I do not know women" if you like him then go for it
if you don't then let him be.
When I read your post OP it almost sounds like you are the shy one. :)

I say if you like him give him a chance but beware if he has been single his whole life
and if you date him it might be a big deal for him.
So do not be one of those "like I do not know women" if you like him then go for it
if you don't then let him be.

haha yeah im abit shy myself. but i tend to want to get what i want also. so, thats a conflict for me always. like i dared to talk to him but i ignore him at times. idk, i guess its cause i'm feeling out his interest.

big deal...meaning, he'd take it more seriously than me?
but OMG, he doesnt initiate anything if i dont!

dear god , if one of you doesn't soon then I will :D

I am exhausted reading that op never mind living it ;)

one of you has to do it ...would your age maybe be stopping him ? maybe he wonders if HE is too old for you etc etc

could you try doing the fun way to break the agony of asking him out ? like a note on his desk saying he has special mail or something etc etc.

it does sound like he is interested , and if you feel like he isnt going to ask then you need to grab the bull by the horns here ;)
dear god , if one of you doesn't soon then I will :D

I am exhausted reading that op never mind living it ;)

one of you has to do it ...would your age maybe be stopping him ? maybe he wonders if HE is too old for you etc etc

could you try doing the fun way to break the agony of asking him out ? like a note on his desk saying he has special mail or something etc etc.

it does sound like he is interested , and if you feel like he isnt going to ask then you need to grab the bull by the horns here ;)

tell me abt it ;) imagine having to go through this crap every day all day. sometimes i think im better off just staying in bed and not coming to work.

well when i did ask for his age, he said he's really old. =/ like i care abt age lol

heh i would love to leave a note, been thinking abt it. but thing is, he has such odd working hours. sometimes he's at his desk the entire day, other times he's just god-knows-where, and he did say work is stressful. and i dont want someone else reading the note, some girls ard here are pretty nosy.

and i guess its more sincere to ask to his face but ugh i need the right time! thanks for the advice though!


Active member
OMG ... very exciting ... ahh to be young and in love with those nervous first encounters!! This takes me back to my youth ;)

I say find the right time ask him out!! That's what my wife did and it worked for her :D Unfortunately most of the time I would run away on the rare occasion a girl approched me, so a note might just do the trick!


Well-known member
The guy you just described sounds like one of my ex-colleagues! He spoke to the females in the office (including me) and preferred to hang out with his guy friends. However he avoided/didn't really talk to one girl in particular who was interested in him (I'm pretty sure he knew she had a thing for him, hell, the whole office knew :p).

I guess you'd just have to keep making the first move until he finally feels comfortable around you. :)


Active member
I'm a little confused as to why you're not asking him out yourself, you don't seem to have anxiety. Worst case scenario he says no and you never have to see him again when you leave. If he has anxiety it would probably be easier on both of you if you initiate, if he doesn't there could be a different reason he's not asking you out (girlfriend, uncomfortable dating coworkers, not interested) Good luck.
haha yeah im abit shy myself. but i tend to want to get what i want also. so, thats a conflict for me always. like i dared to talk to him but i ignore him at times. idk, i guess its cause i'm feeling out his interest.

big deal...meaning, he'd take it more seriously than me?
Well, I think I am a little like this guy from the few things you have said about
him. I do not get much play from women and when I do come a across a women
I am attracted to and she seems to be attracted back then it is a pretty big deal for me.

You say you want to get want you want. You sound a little undecided there.
I mean, do you want to see what it will lead to or are you just curious if you
can get him?
^ hey there. i probably want abit of both to be entirely honest with you. i'm er, one of those people who get a 'kick' out of the chasing stage to be honest. but i'm not a player, just that my interest in a guy doesnt hold out long cause well, frankly, ive not met any guy remotely close to my type, and most of them i dont hold a deep interest in.

this guy seems to be the right kind of guy ive been waiting for. plus he's older than me, i always connected btr with people much older than me, male or female. it's just that i'm not comfortable initiating but i still do it cause i feel he's worth it and cause he reciprocates, unlike most immature "boys" ive met. :) but yup the indecisiveness also stems from a bad past experience where a supposed nice guy like this chap two timed me. so im just very cautious and very afraid of being hurt actually.. =/