losing track of things and life...


Is anyone just a complete mess like me? I mean don't get me wrong I'm doing my best to get myself more organized, but I find myself losing track of everything. I feel EVERYTHING has piled up on me. Ie, My life especially, and even less general and more specific things, like, in the house, etc. I'm dealing with school, work, and having to help my old folks,and much more. Have to keep up the house, etc. all by myself. I live with my dad so it's just me and him and he doesn't usually do much either, he likes to just sit back and relax most of the time especialy when he comes home from work and on the weekends since he "doesn't have much time". Neither do I but he still thinks I have all the time in the world. I feel like I easily lose track of things too, just just this past week, I lost a folder I bought for school and 2 notebooks which had important notes in them. What the hell happened to them? Am I going crazy!?

Not only that but I also feel like I have just lost track in life? That because of whatever issues I had to deal with growing up, and because of SA, SP, etc. I have simply not moved ahead like everyone else. I never had a social life growing up, and still don't have a "social life", but I want to and am doing my best but it turns out that my life is just behind everyone else. I never had a girlfriend, so I'm practically a virgin at 23 yrs old even tho I had a few sexual encounters they were never really fulfilling and never were complete. Never had friends, never did all the other things "normal" people have done. On top of that my mindset after high school completely changed after I got into alternative thought and from there i Just became more and more and more and more isolated. I'm just on a COMPLETELY different level than most and I'm just at the mercy of this whole damn mess, and that right now I just... can't do social things, and it kills me because this is what I crave, and NEED. But I simply can't, and not just because of my life being a mess... it's mostly that my history lacked social integration that now, it's just damn near impossible to become more socially integrated when everyone expects me to have experience on my belt, have gone through certain situations, already have a social life, etc. and skills that I can't even pick up now that I'm an adult because out in the real world people are vicious and moronic that it just makes me unable to make things better. There's not one place I can go to get help with my situation. I guess it's just because it's "unheard of". In fact it's just probably inconceivable, that someone could just think "how in the hell does this happen, it can't be true." Either that or it's just never understood properly.
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Well-known member
I'm sorry that you are going through such a tough time. I wish there was some magical advice that I could offer. But alas, I am basically going through the same thing. At least, I have a similar situation. I, too, feel that my life is a complete mess. I'm not busy, though. I don't go to work or school. I'm extremely worthless and unproductive. But I do feel like everything is so mixed up in my mind. I just don't know what to do with myself anymore.

I haven't experienced half of what most people my age (I'll be 21 next month) already have. I've only had one job. It lasted a year. I was laid off due to a 40% decrease in workload. I was good at it, but I obviously don't have a lot of working skills. I'm just too scared to get a job and I don't think I can. I don't have friends either. I'm still a virgin. I've never done anything fun, to speak of. So, I guess you could say that I'm in a similar boat. I understand that frustration when no one seems to comprehend your problems. They just say "so...why can't you get a job? Are you disabled? Are you retarded?" They just don't get it. It's so irritating. Why are most "normal" people ignorant to this kind of stuff?

Anyway, I'm sorry for the long response. I'm also sorry that I can't offer any advice or suggestion. I just read your post and thought I should reply. Best of luck to you.


eh... thanks.

I understand I think. I mean even if you're not busy as you say.. it still can be hard to get something done when you are a mess internally or externally, or both.

I wish you the best.

hey you're avatar looks topless btw. seems like theres a uh... boob :eek:... showing.
Have not been here for a while.
I feel the same as you and I am older. Most of the things the OP says I can relate too.
One thing that bothers me is memory loss. Nowadays I forget things so easily.
I do not know if that is a sign of depression or what?
I am older then you however and stuck in the same place. Soon to be 29.


Well-known member
I can relate to this, especially when viewing my history as a socially less developed (not the worst, but still lags behing others). I think nowadays more and more people are like us. But we don't see them and don't hear them, at least in our local area.

What worries me the most is that I think I have reached one phase in a human development, called "adopting realistical thinking". 10 years ago (when being 16 yrs old) I was thinking that all things will come by themselves. All social skills will be developed without me trembling with finger. Now, at 26 I realised, how I was wrong!

I can't help much, other than wishing good luck!