Loosing a Fictional Series


Well-known member
This is a strange thing. When we get so attached to a piece of fiction that when it finally concludes, it is almost a life event--like no longer being able to speak to a close friend of yours. The first time this happened for me was when the Harry Potter series of novels was concluded. I had spent many years reading the stories, indeed I had grown up with them. When I finally read the last page of the final book, I was pretty upset.

Yes, I could reread the series, absorbing more and more details of the world each time, but that wasn't bound to last long... Harry Potter isn't too complicated a world after all. I could look forward to the movies, but, of course, I already knew the events that would take place.

The next fictional world that had affected me that way was--despite the fact that I had read hundreads of incredible books after HP-- was, in fact, not from a book. It was the reimagined Battlestar Galatica series.

The characters felt so authentic to me in BSG, like we were watching an actual individual that we could relate to make up their mind. In the final episode, I genunilly felt a sense of loss. Yes, there was the spin off Caprica, but, while I enjoyed that series, it did not capture me in nearly the same way. Yes, there were the made-for-release movies and such, but those were set in a different world-- we were no longer dealing with the same Addams and Baltars, and, of course, Kara (Starbuck) Theraice wasn't present.

In both of these cases, I spent a lot of time in their worlds, and most of the fiction that I consume is not part of a larger series. However, I have read and watched other series, many of which I thought were absolutely wonderful. However, I have not yet recreated the impact experanced from either HP or BSG. I really wish that those worlds were still 'dynanamic.'

Has this ever happened to you? With which series?
Oh yeah, absolutely. Also with BSG. The ending didn't help at all. It was bitter sweet, for those that grown accustomed to the ships.

Same thing with Friends, Seinfeld, The Fresh Prince of Bell Air, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Breaking Bad, Dragonball Z/GT (at the time). The earliest instance I can remember was with The Animals of Farthing Wood. I remember being absolutely gutted when that ended.

Though, even worse is when things you love are cancelled due to ratings or technicalities. I still mourn over FlashForward, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Caprica, Blood and Chrome, Community, Heroes (though it well deserved it), Futurama and Dead Like Me.

There's probably more that I've deeply suppressed. :c
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You want to know how I got these scars?
A series of books by Raymond Feist, the first book in the series was called 'Magician'.
There where quite a few books to follow, and when I read the final book a few months ago..yea, it was like saying 'goodbye forever'.. to and old and dear friend.