"Lonliness is more deadly than obesity"


Well-known member
I found this when Googling. Thought it was interesting. I thought the part about sleep disorder is interesting. I've been friendless for years, and lonely for a lot of this time. During this time my sleep has been getting worse. And I keep feeling worse overall.


I'm starting to think that if I don't make some real changes in my life/in myself, get some good friends, and have fun with other people, I'm going to die young. Despite eating healthier, exercising more, and trying lots of different things to become healthier and feel better, I seem to just slowly be getting worse and worse. I've had lots of tests and been to the doctors a lot through the years and there is nothing physically wrong with me.


Well-known member
I feel the same way, though improving my overall health has helped me to focus more and have a more stable mood throughout the week. Doesn't help me when I'm laying there at night, wide awake and thinking about how one person in the past several months who was not my mother or my two acquaintances has shown any interest in my life or well-being - even while trying to make friends. Always have a feeling of being deeply repulsive wash over me then.

I've been looking for sleep aids to help me keep to a schedule, but I'm hesitant to try anything even over-the-counter. I might get a pillow specifically for cuddling or find some variety of nature sounds that aren't distracting to play at night.

If I die young, it will probably just be because there's nothing holding me here. Sometimes people fight death so fiercely because they believe they need to stay alive for their loved ones who've been by their bedside or who need them in their lives, but by the time I reach old age both of my parents will have passed away. For some of us, there's nothing worth fighting the good fight for after we've gone through with our schooling, our work lives, and our (relatively) healthy years.
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