^is she like this when you are face to face?
You know she may just be shy, just like you. I know that whenever someone compliments me, I just laugh at them, and I deny it, or try to change the topic.
It does seem however that she is a bit more confident than you. You can show her that you like her by trying to go out with her on her own. Take the initiative. If you leave it to her, you will end up being with Morgan as well. She may be shy about inviting you somewhere where it will be just you and her, and Morgan is her safety net, there will be no awkward silences, etc.
When you are together alone, do real small things, brush past her when you are walking together, touch her hand when you try to get her attention, make small compliments, don't bombard her, as she may be embarrased if you tell her she is beautiful, even though you may think it. Don't take your eyes off her, let her know from your gestures that you are paying attention to her.
I know that you both like GWAR, but try not to talk about it too much, use it as a safety net if there is an awkward silence. Also, I have been thinking recently, what is wrong with silence? I have been trying recently to just allow the silences to happen. When you are with your mum, for example, in the car say, sometimes you won't have the radio, and you won't even be talking. It isn't awkward then is it? If the awkward silence is unbearable, just laugh at it. "I have nothing to say." sort of fill in. You never know, that might start a new conversation.
I'm not sure where all this advice is coming from, lol, but I just know that that is how I would like to be treated if I was her. I have had no experience with anything like this, so sorry if my advice is total crap, but hey. :roll: