Local restaurant


Well-known member
There's this local steak house, where all the waitresses are attractive and act real friendly with customers. Anyway, when I went there with my brother I was scared to death, and couldn't wait to leave. I HATE being in these places, I'm a pathetic, disgusting person, and I don't like to emphasize it. This behavior alway prompts people to question my sexuality, and makes it seem I have no interest in women.


Well-known member
Try acting friendly toward them. You're not going to be romantically involved with them so don't worry about that. Waitresses have to deal with rude customers alot. You could make their day. Imagine that, you could be a bright spot.


Well-known member
You feel out of place? SO DO I! :) View this as an opportunity to work on your social skills. Just be friendly without coming on too strong or being too familiar. Beautiful women are nothing to be afraid of. You'll be suprised how nice they can be.


Well-known member
i'm a waitress (surprise) and the last thing i care about is my customers' sexual orientation. trust me, if you are polite, kind, and leave a decent tip (15%+) your server will love you to pieces.


Well-known member
Cool_Un_Cool said:
There's this local steak house, where all the waitresses are attractive and act real friendly with customers.

I know what you're talking about. (Is this a Lonestar by any chance?) Whenever I go to those places it always seems like I get the only male waiter.

Cool_Un_Cool said:
I'm a pathetic, disgusting person, and I don't like to emphasize it.

How does going to a steakhouse emphasize this? Unless everyone you know is a vegan or something. Not that there's anything wrong with that.