Liking someone who is faaaar away....


Well-known member
Does anyoen ever have this happen to them? Like if its form online? Its terrible, it never works, and it costs more than marriage i bet! woudl anyoen ever date a board member?


Well-known member
Happened to me. First relationship was instigated online. Naturally distance was a part of it and it sucked. He left me in the end and I learnt to avoid that situation in the future.

However! I do know of one American man who left his home and went to live with a Swedish girl he met online in a Tomb Raider forum back when it was big. It was famous amongst the community because it was obvious they both loved each other a lot.

Two sides of the argument there. :p


Well-known member
Sorry to confuse you! :lol:

If you're prone to falling for people online, why not only talk to local people?

Wait, the defeats the point of the net doesn't it. Me stupid.


Well-known member
I met a local person before, off the net, we met (rhyme yo!) and she ended up hating me cause I was hiding msyefl and she thought i was trying to not look at her and she felt ugly :-/. ah well. Ive fellf or a few online people too, its just so...hopeless, none of them like me back.


Well-known member
Don't give up.

I also met a local person from the net many many years ago (I wasn't a child I hasten to add!!)

I was so nervous I did not say a word to him throughout our entire 'date'. It was excrutiating. For some reason I was overwhelmed by this person and very nervous, but I'm not always like that.

So keep trying. OiNk!


Well-known member
She was like, i dunno perfect for me, I woudl talk about ducks saluting hitler at teh alke we went to, it was the best moment of my life (yea cheesy) it was at night at a lake, and i coudlnt even walk next to her when she wanted me to :-/.


Well-known member
Yes the important thing is, that I foudn otehrs liek me, even if its online, im only going for socially anxious girls now hah, that might be a bit harder.


Well-known member
I like someone on here who is relatively far away but that doesn't matter to me. It either works or it doesn't but I think you should just enjoy the connection you have with another person. Just because it might not pan out romantically shouldn't stop you from having a relationship with them as a friend at least, you can never have enough people who make you feel great.

And even though this was made a long time ago lol, I could care less. Everyone should read it.