life is too short anyways..


Active member
so why are some of you contemplating suicide ?

im definitely not the happiest person, perhaps my predicament is worse than some of you, but i dont feel suicidal at all..i however feel like running to a place where nobody knew me..


Well-known member
Johnnash said:
so why are some of you contemplating suicide ?

im definitely not the happiest person, perhaps my predicament is worse than some of you, but i dont feel suicidal at all..i however feel like running to a place where nobody knew me..
i agree with you, that life is too short..and suicide is never the answer. And i have never been to that lowest point either, when that feels like the only way out..but i think people do suffer different levels of depression, or have limited resources or access to help, or others to help them. I agree there is always an answer besides taking your own life, perhaps it's just too difficult to see things clearly when you're feeling that low. And what you say about running to a place where noone knows you? I've definitely contemplated that, and wondered if a fresh start would change anything..anxiety-wise :wink:


Well-known member
The pain gets so much that people feel it's the only option, but I think it's very sellfish to do this. There was a girl here in the Uk who's body was found next to a rail track. She had been hit by a train and they suspect that it was suicide. This was back in July when they found her body and she had been missing for days. Anyway this week her mother commited suicide by jumping in front of a train in the same spot where her body was found. I can't imagine how much pain her husband is feeling having lost two of the people dearest to him within months of each other. I was almost in tears hearing this news.