Letter to self

The idea of this thread is to write positively to yourself as your own best friend would.

We tend to only see the worst of ourselves while others see in us qualities or remember times that we forget about or dont value much.

So, imagine seeing yourself as another person would and write to yourself as a friend, telling you about the things/qualities/memories you like about...you!

edit: oops, that awkward moment when you realise that you've created a thread that's been done before, but I've doubled up on one of my own threads before, so I'm not too surprised
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Well-known member
I could do with doing another one of these or even do one periodically. It takes a lot of deep digging to appreciate myself. Here's a start:

Dear SilentBird

Well done for going out last night. You plucked up the courage and did it. It was worth it. You enjoyed seeing the musicians play. Going out with your friend D was enjoyable. I'm sure she was really happy that she went out with you. It was great that R, the govenor of the venue [who you know] came over and talked to you. He called you a beautiful man which I know is strange to hear but good in a way. D and R showed affection for you. It shows there are people who like you because you have likable qualities. You've had a smooth 24 hours with a capital SMOOOOTH :cool: Isn't it so much easier giving yourself a break and letting (some) people in?

With Love ::eek::


Well-known member
I could do with doing another one of these or even do one periodically. It takes a lot of deep digging to appreciate myself. Here's a start:

Dear SilentBird

Well done for going out last night. You plucked up the courage and did it. It was worth it. You enjoyed seeing the musicians play. Going out with your friend D was enjoyable. I'm sure she was really happy that she went out with you. It was great that R, the govenor of the venue [who you know] came over and talked to you. He called you a beautiful man which I know is strange to hear but good in a way. D and R showed affection for you. It shows there are people who like you because you have likable qualities. You've had a smooth 24 hours with a capital SMOOOOTH :cool: Isn't it so much easier giving yourself a break and letting (some) people in?

With Love ::eek::
^Nice letter SilentBird. I'm also glad you had a great time :)
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Well-known member
From my blog:

At my lowest point in June 2005, as I sat on a park bench in the Brisbane Botanic Gardens feeling too scared and unwell to move, I had an amazing experience. I felt as if I was suddenly outside of my body looking down at this bundle of cells in pain.

"It's OK mate," I said to the suffering me . "It's going to be alright." I comforted myself. That message to myself gave me the strength to get to my feet and to keep going.

Lately, I have been wondering if it was the future me sending a message into the past to myself? To comfort and let the past me know that an amazing change was coming and that adventure, hope, inspiration and running would return to my life. I know it is impossible, but that thought helps me at times of stress.

So as I sit here writing this the future me sends a message into the past.

"It's OK. It's going to be alright"

And I want to say thanks to that past me.

"Well done, mate. Well done for fighting so hard. You did good."

And another future me is sending the present me a message to chase the dreams and to make the changes I need to.


Active member
Dear Littlewing13,
Don't worry so much. You've dealt with a lot but now you know what is going on. Now you know how to deal with it. You've overcome it in the past so you know it can be done. You're just going through a rough patch, but you have support, and professional help this time, so things can only improve. You need to set more goals and have things to look forward to so that you don't feel so hopeless at times. Keep making time for getting out & exercising, avoid alcohol & you will eventually pull up. Feel good about all of your achievements. Learn from your mistakes but don't dwell on them. Move on & up. Theres no such thing as a failure, only a lesson & an opportunity for a second chance. Things can only really get better.
Blessings :)


Active member
This is a great idea, regardless of whether it has been done before. My therapist gets me to think like this for each significant negative thought, but a general letter is a great idea too. I actually feel really good after that! :)

You don't believe in life and feel miserable, but i hope you will feel better soon :) and that school will be perfectly fine and that you can take iniative at intern ship, you don't know how to start, that makes it miserable. but i hope you will do it fine, that you will not cancel any day, you did go to school yesterday, even though your stomach was hurting. Please be proud with that, you are brave for getting there. and you did print a presentation and the teacher liked it. you did install a printer for the guy next to you. that guy talked to you even though you felt uncomfortable and ugly, your mind was blank. but you did say something at least. i know it hurts and it's disgusting but you did acomplish one year okay and you just sat in the canteen with an unknown girl because the coach told you to. and you socialised. You have a lovely girlfriend, you might worry about losing her, but you do have lovely times with her. You girls have great goals on the way what can get you out on the dark and show some light. you girls want to visit vancouver in 2013. and go to germany in december. you just got invited to play badminton with your buddy coach, but you don't know how to text her back, because you feel like avoiding, you would probably avoid it like any other chance, but please just go there, and just take one lesson, even thouogh there are a lot of training ppl. you had a lovely day yesterday while having dinner at your grandparents. you weared a very nice woolen sweater and a new training trouser. you felt so calm because of the fabrix. you feel like you come across as ugly and weird in your behaviour, that's why you don't talk to people, but maybe you should dress more decent so you'l feel less self concious. try something to feel better, falkor.
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I keep a huge personal log of my thoughts. I think it is clearly a non-social, introverted behaviour. It mimics a lot of everyone's posts on here, and mine.

It started with a small exercise book in a stroke rehab ward, given by my Speech & Language therapist. Talking to myself with pen & paper. I needed writing practice and recover old memories, to restore myself back to life. eg. I drew an entire colourful London Underground map on a page.

My log is part disk and online based. It's huge, and trivial. Full of emotion