Let's talk about SOX


Well-known member
Those of you with Planter HH will understand this issue regarding sox. First off, I really don't understand how certain synthetics wick up moisture especially when enclosed by a shoe? If someone wears wicking sox, wear does the moisture wick too and how does it release?
In my case, anything that isn't cotton will make my feet sweat way more. Has anyone solved the sweaty sox issue? I already have been doing ionto for years. Wool also contributes to sweaty feet and surely doesn't wick up the moisture, instead like synthetics, creates a pond for my feet to drown in. Getting 100% cotton crew sox is nearly impossible. 79% isn't working for me.
When I was a younger lad my feet would sweat to the degree wear the sweat would go right through leather shoes causing dark spots and when the shoes dried it would leave white lines all over the shoe. I went through a period of time wear I frowned upon wearing leather based shoes. These days I rarely wear them.

Anyone care to share stories and/or advice on your shoes and sox stories?


Active member
Synthetics or other unnatural materials contribute to stronger perspiration. Leather shoes are good option for the winter - no one wants to freeze in the feet of course. If the feet are sweating excessively, in this case it is a nightmare. The wool its really good heater for feet, but it also gives a reason for the wet legs. Next, wool sox is wet too and the shoes on the inside are damaged. I didn't like that "wet" discomfort on my legs. It was difficult for me to put creams or oitments for sweating feet when I needed to put on sox and shoes, and get out of the house right now that were not dirty from used that preparations. The only thing I could do was use ionto and wait for disappearance the problem with excessive sweating (and with wet socks). I do not have this problem as so far, but I don't using the wool sox. Cotton socks are better for my feet.