Laughing problem


Well-known member
All the time. I daydream in class and think of funny things that have happened that make me laugh for no reason at all. If something funny happens I am always the last to stop laughing, often minutes after everyone else.


Well-known member
yeah that happens sometime when I'm in public I think too much and then my mind wonders off and i laugh


Well-known member
Well I never laughed out loud in class because I would be embarassed but i try so hard to hold it in.


Well-known member
I always laugh at stupid things that no one else finds funny at the worst possible moments (e.g. laughing at someone almost dying coughing). But when everyone else finds something stupid to be funny (e.g. Charlie the Unicorn) I suddenly do not care, and think everyone laughing is stupid.


Yeah, I have the habit of laughing hysterically at insignificant things. It get embarrassing when people tell you to calm down.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
oh yes, theology class was like the comedy channel for me, even though I'm a believer. Thats why I took the classes. One was led by a priest, and he reaffirmed that unbaptized babies go to hell. The idea of babies in hell made me want to roll on the floor laughing. I imagined them all floating around with a welcome to hell road sign in the back ground. yeah, lots of little things.