Last Thing You Bought?


Well-known member
It's actually 635, but I think the 630 and 635 are practically identical. I've had a crap Yamaha for many years now, so now I have decided I am going to start piano lessons and I got myself this gorgeous new one to practice on. I can't stop playing it!
It's actually 635, but I think the 630 and 635 are practically identical. I've had a crap Yamaha for many years now, so now I have decided I am going to start piano lessons and I got myself this gorgeous new one to practice on. I can't stop playing it!

I always wanted to play the piano when I was younger. We only had one piano in school; the teacher mostly used it. I’ve had a few cheap keyboards at home as a kid. Never took to them. This year I decided to buy the DGX 52. Very expensive, put looked good for the price. I watched a few videos on YouTube. For the first week, I couldn't keep off it, even though I didn’t know how to play. I’m that kind of person, I’ll jump into anything without first figuring out how to play. I've bought a piano book I hardly ever read, it’s not a hard book to follow. I just lost interest after losing my job.


Well-known member
So have you watched any tutorial piano videos on youtube? There are tons of them out there and they've helped me learn a few different songs. I kinda like the whole learning by myself thing, although yeah, sometimes I'll get like you described and I'll be all gung-ho about something initially, then lose interest. But hopefully that won't be the case with piano, as I've wanted to take lessons for a while now. So my first lesson is on Thursday. I figure I'll see how it goes and if I'm into it or if I just like the learn on my own method.


Well-known member
A ticket to the cinema to see Ice Age 3.

That's nice, I haven't seen a movie in a long time. Anyway, hope you enjoy.

What I bought, let's see...yesterday I bought and ate M&N's chocolates because I was so stressed out.

The last none food items I bought were ankle stockings and sunblock.


Well-known member
lotto ticket

I seem to spend way too much time these days dreaming of winning the lotto. Although it wouldn't cure my social anxiety, it would certainly solve a lot of problems.

That's nice, I haven't seen a movie in a long time. Anyway, hope you enjoy.

Thanks Fighter86, and although I largely went along only because a friend of mine wanted to see it, it was a good movie, with a couple of scenes having me in fits of laughter.

Last thing bought?

A bottle of whisky!!


Well-known member
I recently bought::

Microwaveable popcorn
Butter topping (for the popcorn)
Baskin Robbins hard candies
Oil diffuser
Tea lights
College supplies
Lavendar essential oil

And probably a few more things I can't name off the top of my head.