^Join me, and we can overthrow the others, and rule this thread as father and son!!
Oh... no, you weren't meant to find that out yet
I'm sorry for letting you trip over my win, Vj. I just can't help it, I've got SO MANY of them. It's hard to keep them tidy. :B
*jumps over puma's huge messy pile of Wins*
ta daaaa, I am here to collect my Win..........ah, I would like to thank the acadamy......no wait.
I'm sorry for letting you trip over my win, Vj. I just can't help it, I've got SO MANY of them. It's hard to keep them tidy. :B
Don't worry about it, Pebbles. Because I'm... also your father. >:I
(Who cares that it doesn't make sense. :
*dressed as a cop*
Attention winner! There has been reports of an explosive gas leak. Please exit through the emergency exits in a calm fashion.
Everyone out?..
Ha! Suckers!