Lack of replies


Well-known member
I wouldn't worry about it, a lot of people on this forum tend to lurk and just read threads rather than replying to them. :)


Well-known member
Well looks like you are getting replys now.LOL just jokeing. No realy sometimes the post gets buried by newer post so if you write somethig during a busy time of the day we might not see it . Thats why I think they should list the top 25 newest post.


Well-known member
Fairy001 said:
Just replying to prove you wrong, :lol:

I am sure it is nothing personel.

Fairy xxx

Use more exclamation points and caps lock in your Titles. :wink:

"I'm having a bad day"

"IM HAVING A BAD DAY!!!!!!!11111"

See, the bottom one attracts a lot more of attention whoring attention.


Well-known member
I usually have to wait for days to get a reply to my posts. We all might as well be sending letters to each other...

Dysfunctional people = dysfunctional forum


Well-known member
Lack of replies comes with the territory.

I once posted a thread asking what people got for XMAS (thinking everyone might have something to say), and got no replies whatsoever! :lol:

The worst thing you can do is take is personally.


cobalt_bluester said:
How come whenever I post to this site I seem to get few or no replies. think I am cursed. LOL :twisted:

Yeah i was going to post the same thing until i saw this. I am a weird social anxious type. I can talk to people easily, i just dont feel comfortable about it lol.

Its specific things that put me off society.

Anyway, i hope more of the users on these forums can add more input, i am not a nasty person :?


Well-known member
I have read all the old posts so, in order to avoid trawling through them again, I only look up the new posts on the Home page.


Well-known member
maybe the topic you posted is not interesting enough or peoples might not know the answer.don't worry.mine one got no reply as well.


Well-known member
I know exactly how you feel. I feel like anywhere I post anything (not just this website), everyone ignores me. And needing positive attention is sort of the hallmark of my anxiety.
It does depend on the subject, especially whether it's something everyone can relate to. Like this one!