Lack of close friends and little social contact


Well-known member
Sometimes I think that anxiety and/or depression is mainly caused by a lack of close friends and social contact. Does anyone agree?


Well-known member
Even though we may feel anxious in social situations, I tend to believe that it becomes much worse when we isolate ourselves, which I have done for years..

BTW, I also think that social interaction in western societies is more superficial than in some other parts of the world. But that's another topic..


Well-known member
yeah when im in social situations thats when my S.A is at its worst so i dont enjoy it at all i want to but i cant,but when im sitting on my own on a friday night all i can think about is what im missing out on, how every other 22 year old is out enjoying themselves and how im such a waste of youth,how pathetic i am that my only company is 8 cans of heineken that my brother picked up for me before he went out with his mates.


Well-known member
Sometimes I think that anxiety and/or depression is mainly caused by a lack of close friends and social contact. Does anyone agree?
I agree with you. At one point in time, I was on the brink of some new and really exciting friendships. I felt like I finally had real friends and there were so many exciting opportunities on the horizon. It was like magic! My SA problems were slowly melting away. I started to feel confident, my true self.
(Then due to circumstances beyond my control I was seperated from my new 'friends' before I could establish lasting bonds)


I similar thing happened to me. I started making new friends, getting out and doing stuff and I felt so much better for it. But they all moved away (to different cities) and I'm back where I started, feeling like shit.


Well-known member
I've got to the point where i feel that i am damaged for life, that i will never be capable of making or keeping friends. I can't really win becasue i am depressed when i am alone, yet if i'm in the company of others i feel depressed because i feel inferior to everyone.


Well-known member
recluse said:
I've got to the point where i feel that i am damaged for life, that i will never be capable of making or keeping friends. mate i know exactly what you mean i dont see an end how am i meant to be normal after being like this for so long
I used to have lots of friends and got on with most people, then after i left high school I went to a college (at 16) where I didn't know anyone, I think this and the combination of me not knowing where my life was going make me very depressed. It just came all of a sudden, even my new teacher talked to me about it. Maybe I was actually programmed for this to happen? My dad said he used to get depressed and anxious when he was young. From the age of 16 to now (ive just turned 20) I feel i've missed SO SO MUCH. I've missed a whole stage of development in the years 16 -19.. making new friends, getting part time jobs, girlfriends, doing stupid things, choosing a career, and my god am I paying for it inside and in my life. I guess my anxiety and shyness have taken a huge hold on my life. I get girls looking at me or I hear about people at university and it pains me so much inside.. I want to get out there and free myself but I feel so tied down by it. It's only been 3-4 years of this in real terms but it feels like a lifetime of suffering and lonelyness. It starts to shape you as a person and that is BAD, bad bad bad. I have to stop this soon somehow or my life is going to be decided for me. This goes for anyone.


Well-known member
de said:
yeah when im in social situations thats when my S.A is at its worst so i dont enjoy it at all i want to but i cant,but when im sitting on my own on a friday night all i can think about is what im missing out on, how every other 22 year old is out enjoying themselves and how im such a waste of youth,how pathetic i am that my only company is 8 cans of heineken that my brother picked up for me before he went out with his mates.

I feel the same way. I'm 23, have been told that I'm very good-looking and a nice person. When I am by myself, I always picture myself hanging out with "friends", but on the rare occasion that I get offered to go out, I always make up some sort of corny excuse. It just seems like a lose-lose situation. There have been many times where I have been in my room and was crying uncontrollably wondering what the hell is wrong with me. I don't want to come across as complaining since there are people who have it a lot worse than me. But, I just wish there was an easy solution to the problem, but there isn't. I just continue to pray and trust in God because my SA has gotten a little better!


Well-known member
I can imagine that a lack of social interaction, leaving one to their own devices, would easily exacerbate ones anxiety. I believe that anxiety is often caused by over-active and intense thoughts mixed with intense and sensitive feelings and emotions. Not having anyone to tell you nothing is wrong can be a bad thing. Trust me.


Well-known member
de said:
recluse said:
I've got to the point where i feel that i am damaged for life, that i will never be capable of making or keeping friends. mate i know exactly what you mean i dont see an end how am i meant to be normal after being like this for so long

I'm so scared that i'm going to end up dying a sad and lonely old man in a home with no friends or family.