just want close friends. please be my friend


hello im not new to this site but. i would like to find friends. hew live in wolvohamptom. it would be nice to have friends. im just so confused where i belong i dont feel like im ready for this world. its just how i feel i do hope. people understand. ive been bullied in life and right know i just want people to understand. i have ocd pycosis depression and other illnesses but i dont want to talk about it like its a good thing. if this is possible could any one pm or right bk to me hew has something in common. with me.

i just dont know what to do any more im feel so stuck in my problems. it would be nice just to go out with a friend and nowing that im cared for. instead of judged. and hated when people dont know me.

:D :) p.s im 18 years of age


howz you?

i would love to be your friend. where do you live.? its old brittish weather hear again cold wet and dull lol but im sure itll brighten up soon.

thanx for replying to me

p.s ive been on the site you sent to me wow youve done a good job on that. it looks great and it looks like its nearney finished.

:D xxx


thanx you for replying to me. :oops: i know this may sound stupid but does that mean you want to be my friend. thats why you replyed because i would love to be all yours. if thats ok :oops:

and thanx again for replying to me

every one hew has replyed to me is free to always pm me.




im just so messed up right know in my head stupid paranoir. feel so alone and not wanted. this might sound really crazy but i have this feeling like some one is going to hurt some one else i get worried i dont like people getting hurt. its just me im a freak. i get so worried about things like that.

thanx you for listening to my rambling on.