Just feel like giving up


I'm depressed and have extreme panic at the moment. Just feel like ending it. Could really use someone to talk to right now. :sad:


Active member
Please don't give up.. I know the "it gets better" talk doesn't always help, but there are good days and bad days, and if you're feeling your worst now, it can only get better. I feel like SA is a huge, huge obstacle.. but I still have hope that we can live happy lives like everyone else. I don't know your whole story and wish I could help more... this forum is always here for you :)


Active member
aw I know what you mean.. but when I get like that I have to force myself to remember to think rationally and remember that it does not always feel this bad all the time. Don't do something impulsive that would hurt so many people and cut a life short that has so much potential!


Active member
I feel like everyone here has something to offer to this world.... that also includes you!
We just need time to break free from our social anxiety/depression/etc. and make that happen.
So, don't give up!
I also have times when I feel like that but when that passes and you feel a bit better you can start thinking about how to change.... and hopefully with time, you will have more moments like that and will be able to turn your life for the better ^^


Well-known member
Light a match. Heat your hand with it. Your body will react, a reflex action will take over, and you'll instantly pull your hand away. Did you see what just happened? You might want to give up, but there's a part of you that still strives to live on. While you're thinking about dying, millions of cells inside of you are working towards making sure you don't drop dead.


Well-known member
I'm depressed and have extreme panic at the moment. Just feel like ending it. Could really use someone to talk to right now. :sad:

I am sorry you're having such a difficult time I am too. Have you been to your doctors to discuss how you're feeling, and are you taking any meds?


New member
Im having the same thing today, found out that my crush may like someone else (or he may be just a friend), im worrying too much and im only thinking about "giving up". My advice to you, try going to the gym and sweating alot, really helps (sadly, i cant go right now).
good luck, in times like these, we all need it