Just don't get it...


Well-known member
I don't get socializing at all anymore. I mean, I try to make friends with people, but it seems when I meet new people it happens like this:
Introduction with names, then I ask a couple questions about them (where they live, what year they are, etc.), and nothing really happens. Its especially bad with girls...

After the initial part of the conversation, which I think is friendly, we cannot really discuss that much, and they rarely make any effort to continue things, and we just part as acquaintances.

Next what will happen is that I may see them again, but they won't be like "Hey Chris! Whats up..." and take time to try and talk to me. They just waltz by with some "Hey", and I usually have to initiate the next step (which I can't do). It just seems like people don't like me right off the bat for the most part. I don't know what this is, this even happens when I'm not anxious. I just can't make friends (especially with girls).


Well-known member
I know what you mean, it's easier for me in the early stages when you ask questions like ''What's your name?'', ''Where are you from?'' Then when i get to know them better i dry up and don't know what to say.


Well-known member
Most of the friends I hang out with now became my friends because they suggested to me that we 'hang out'. Almost like they were asking me out on a date :lol: , kinda funny. I remember one time I was talking to a guy and he's like, "hey, we should get dinner". Nothing gay, just forcing the friendship. I was glad because we became pretty good friends.


Well-known member
I have the same problem, I think people like us are not accessible, which is intimidating to most people.


Well-known member
I can't even introduce myself. The only time I have is when people have had to ask me my name.[/i]