Just Curious, Question


Well-known member
I think it is fair to say that most of us on here think we have Social Anxiety Disorder, also known as Social Phobia (if you don't, then this doesn't apply to you). Many of us identify with this disorder. Meaning, we tell ourselves, and others if we are brave enough, that we have a disorder, that something is wrong with us.

My question is, what would it take for you to drop the identity with social anxiety disorder? Do you think it is something you are just stuck with forever? Or, is it merely something overtaking your body for a period of time, like for example, major depression. If it is something that you think can be changed, or overcome at some point, what would it take to drop the identity, Social Anxiety Disorder, from yourself?

If this is confusing, think of it like this. Where would you need to be in your life, socially, to not think you had Social Anxiety Disorder?


Well-known member
I suffered from SP/SA for many years, then through years and years of therapy and rehabilitation/medication I suddenly got better. I got a job, I started dating and everything was fine, now however I've had a relapse and my SP is slowly returning, mostly because I've been home-bound for three years because of my bipolar disorder.

deleted #89

It's a state of mind......in the past I use to identify myself allot with social anxiety and that itself is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Social anxiety is really just bad behavioral patterns that we learned early on in life and allot of people with S.A don't see that and keep feeding those patterns. That's why I push myself out of my comfort zp0one now....
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