jumping in the (very!) deep end!


New member
I'm biting the bullet and dealing with my crippling shyness in the scariest way possible.

I've just booked a flight to Zante, Greece for the 2nd May 2008. I'm going on my own, never been to Zante in my life, going to find an apartment and a bar job when i get over there and i better meet some people and make some friends because my flight home isnt until 14 October.

nothing to lose and everything to gain, right?


Well-known member
dallas said:
I'm biting the bullet and dealing with my crippling shyness in the scariest way possible.

I've just booked a flight to Zante, Greece for the 2nd May 2008. I'm going on my own, never been to Zante in my life, going to find an apartment and a bar job when i get over there and i better meet some people and make some friends because my flight home isnt until 14 October.

nothing to lose and everything to gain, right?
wow! you're a brave soul dallas!! good for you, i always wondered if i picked up and moved..if it would make a difference...keep up posted :)


New member
thanks. its a real motivation for me to do something about my shyness between now and may and if its a disaster i'll just come home i suppose lol.


Well-known member
Holy shit man! That's such a cool idea. Don't just simply test the water... dive in the fucking deep end and see what happens!

You're gonna come back a new person, I bet you. Good luck!


Good luck mate. I tried to do the same but only moved 300 miles away from my home town. Still have to deal with day to day stuff and its difficult but it will give you a new perspective on things. Hope you find your swimming legs!


Well-known member
You're really brave :) I thought about doing something like that myself, since a friend of mine went to London to work for 5 months, but I get really anxious just trying to plan something like that
I'm biting the bullet and dealing with my crippling shyness in the scariest way possible.

I've just booked a flight to Zante, Greece for the 2nd May 2008. I'm going on my own, never been to Zante in my life, going to find an apartment and a bar job when i get over there and i better meet some people and make some friends because my flight home isnt until 14 October.

nothing to lose and everything to gain, right?

Wow, that's amazing and very inspiring! Even if you meet nobody you'll have an experience that you'll be able to talk about for years. I always get really close to buying a ticket and then I think, "...but" and consider all of the things that I've grown comfortable with that won't be in the new location. What made you actually go through and DO it? Or, how, rather? I really admire you for this and I wish you the best of luck. Definitely can only gain from this. Keep us updated! :]
Yep, just noticed after pressing "post reply". Who reopened it? It was at the top of the forums so I naturally assumed it was current. Hmm. Nevertheless, it's an inspiring story. Your avatar - is that from that movie.... *blanking on the name*. Spirited Away?


Well-known member
I can't help but notice there's no further reply from the OP here. I wonder if he loved it so much there he stayed? :D


Well-known member
Aye. I always get nervous when going to a new country (I'm booked to go to the Alps and then overnight in Paris on the way back in about 2 months) and I'm nervous about having to speak French. But I know I'll be glad I did - it always raises my confidence to know I did it!