I've a lot of musings, some regarding practical matters and other regarding unusual ideas. I don't want to spam the forums with my questions or thoughts (at least not all of them), so I've decided to make this journal both as a way to seek insight as well as a record of my own thoughts. I'm sorry if this doesn't sound like a typical journal and may seem confusing. Haha.... I'm a little bit of a scatterbrain (is that the term?)
Verbalizing the term for an object disrupts the mental image of that object. Yet, in synaesthesia, the senses work in harmony to retain the mental images. How does one stop oneself from verbalizing? Learning a new pictorial language but without the meaning attached to the words? Do visual learners have less negative self-talk and if depressed have more visual nightmares instead? My blind colleague... she says she does not dream in visual form, only in an auditory form. She can also assimilate extremely large amounts of auditory information, even when presented at a very, very fast rate. With the help of her computer (which speaks), she can read far, far quicker than most of us who can see. I estimate she reads at about twenty or more words a minute with good retention and understanding. Neural plasticity?
Today, I met two cats. I fed each some spiced fish (both sweet and sour) but they refused it. Why? It was not junk food and the spices were weak. I also borrowed some books on languages I'm not familiar with. I'm suddenly reminded of a few things. Can a device be made such that it delivers a very mild electric shock to myself whenever I get something wrong? The device is attached to the eyes and form images. Can a program be created simulating such? Link: research on iconic memory (testing methodology: random sampling of a large set... via auditory cue to negate the rapid decay) Iconic memory decays at a very rapid rate. How to increase the rate of retention? Or is it possible to transfer the image into short term visual working memory?
What is the basis of visual vocabulary? The knowledge of language in most cases destroys visual felicity. Suppose a language is made such that all five senses are needed (taste will be hard)... Will a child taught such a language from infancy retain abilities in all of these?
I cannot recall colors well. My ability to do this is below normal using only visual abilities. Does painting improve visual recall or only visual discrimination? Does an overly strong memory (or an overly weak one) make one susceptible to depression? Taxes: If on the sum total of a person's relatively liquid asset and then transferred to the very poor and destitute... or perhaps simply as a way to... Now then, even if it's a low percentage, then a sum of money will be had that can be made to solve much of the world's problems or at least much of poverty. Due to the rich (minority) having the majority of the world's resources.
The nature of genius is hard work and will. I should exercise more and be more physically active. Perhaps turn vegetarian after I know how to cook well. Hard work and exercise are the best form of healing for the mind and body. And sleep. Sleep. The body has a right to rest. As does the mind.
Computer: I need to relearn how to control which programs initiate at startup. My friend owes me a favor.
Verbalizing the term for an object disrupts the mental image of that object. Yet, in synaesthesia, the senses work in harmony to retain the mental images. How does one stop oneself from verbalizing? Learning a new pictorial language but without the meaning attached to the words? Do visual learners have less negative self-talk and if depressed have more visual nightmares instead? My blind colleague... she says she does not dream in visual form, only in an auditory form. She can also assimilate extremely large amounts of auditory information, even when presented at a very, very fast rate. With the help of her computer (which speaks), she can read far, far quicker than most of us who can see. I estimate she reads at about twenty or more words a minute with good retention and understanding. Neural plasticity?
Today, I met two cats. I fed each some spiced fish (both sweet and sour) but they refused it. Why? It was not junk food and the spices were weak. I also borrowed some books on languages I'm not familiar with. I'm suddenly reminded of a few things. Can a device be made such that it delivers a very mild electric shock to myself whenever I get something wrong? The device is attached to the eyes and form images. Can a program be created simulating such? Link: research on iconic memory (testing methodology: random sampling of a large set... via auditory cue to negate the rapid decay) Iconic memory decays at a very rapid rate. How to increase the rate of retention? Or is it possible to transfer the image into short term visual working memory?
What is the basis of visual vocabulary? The knowledge of language in most cases destroys visual felicity. Suppose a language is made such that all five senses are needed (taste will be hard)... Will a child taught such a language from infancy retain abilities in all of these?
I cannot recall colors well. My ability to do this is below normal using only visual abilities. Does painting improve visual recall or only visual discrimination? Does an overly strong memory (or an overly weak one) make one susceptible to depression? Taxes: If on the sum total of a person's relatively liquid asset and then transferred to the very poor and destitute... or perhaps simply as a way to... Now then, even if it's a low percentage, then a sum of money will be had that can be made to solve much of the world's problems or at least much of poverty. Due to the rich (minority) having the majority of the world's resources.
The nature of genius is hard work and will. I should exercise more and be more physically active. Perhaps turn vegetarian after I know how to cook well. Hard work and exercise are the best form of healing for the mind and body. And sleep. Sleep. The body has a right to rest. As does the mind.
Computer: I need to relearn how to control which programs initiate at startup. My friend owes me a favor.