Job Search Anxiety


Well-known member
So hopefully someone out there will hear me out, maybe help me with this, but I have really bad job search anxiety. I’m a senior in college and I know I need to stick my head out there into the real world, and find an actual career, but it’s just so hard for me!

First applying for a job, I have a resume but it’s still difficult to think of other good things about myself and what in my life has been considered an accomplishment. If I manage to get past that then there is either: 1. Being rejected or 2. Being accepted and having to go for an interview. Both of those scenarios are equally terrifying for me. I use to be ok with interviews until my last one where the woman there started laughing at me for having such a difficult time wording and answering the questions :( It was horrible!

So does anyone out there have any advice or help for me (Or others, I don’t mean to sound selfish)? I would really appreciate it right now.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I can understand your anxiety. It is brutal out there. Someone recently told me to go to interviews just for practice. If a job came out of it great, if not, that was fine too. The point of that being that I just have to get out there and try, and stop with the excuses. Easier said than done of course, but I did appreciate that advice.


Well-known member
I'm in the same boat. :( I'm trying to just prep for common interview questions right now but I can't even stay calm enough to think clearly for the answers.
If you think you need them, I can type out those questions for you (got them from a handout at the career center), and maybe you'd feel less anxious by having your answers prepared. :)
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Well-known member
1. Being rejected.
you shouldn't take it seriously or personally if you're rejected, it doesn't mean that something is wrong with you, just think about it,, if they were hiring for 2 places and maybe 100 even 200 ppl apply for the same spot, so its kinda like playing lottery sometimes.
And lets say you get to an interview and being rejected after that isn't a bad thing ( of course would be better to get the job ) it shows that you have a potential and they showed you interest by calling you in for a chat.

2. Being accepted and having to go for an interview.
of course it can be stressing to go for an interview and you want to do your best.
just try to be yourself and be honest and show that you're willing to work and that you're keened in that field of work that you're applying for.

as it goes for the last interview that that lady must have been on something and I wouldn't really wanna work for somebody who shows that kinda first impression.

Best of luck to you and your future.


Well-known member
I'm in almost the same situation as you are in right now. I have a university degree and quit my last job in may. I want to go back to school and desperately need a part time job. I totally bombed the last interview I was in a month ago. I've been putting off the job search because of this and it's draging on for way too long.

Could use some SPW advice and support right now...