It's a known fact, people with OCD are smarter.


Well-known member
I read that people with this disorder tend to be a bit smarter/creative. I can see this, as our minds are always working. Anyone agree?


Well-known member
I completely agree with you. My mom has OCD and does the same routine every day and she should be on Jeopardy. I'm OCD with washing my car constantly (sometimes every day, but usually twice a week) and I wash my hands first thing when I enter my house... and think I'm creative and smart too.


Well-known member
what i do know is that i notice more details than most non-OCD people, and i tend to be neater, and more observant of people and my surroundings.
I don't think them being smarter and more creative is the case.. They're just more focused. :] People without OCD can do the same, it just takes them more effort to get to that level of concentration.


Well-known member
I agree.
I think it's true a lot of people with OCD are really good at something.
Really disciplined at something, being perfectionist and all.

If it wasn't for ocd I wouldn't have played guitar nearly as much as I have, or did freestyle skateboarding the way I did. I practised over and over, with obsession.

So no doubt, you will probably be more interested in certain things.