Isn't it mad?


I've been with my husband nearly ten years now and get on great with his family but every time there's a huge family gathering, like today (it's his Gran's 94th Birthday!), days before I can't sleep and I feel on the verge of a panic attack, worring that they will think I have nothing interesting to say and that I look fat and ugly, when they probs think nothing of the sort and it's just all in my head but I'm just a stay at home Mum , who worked as a clerk and Ant's entire family are either solicitors or teachers and there's even a doctor. Only one of them (my sister in law) is a snob, who will be chatting about ofstead reports all day and looks down at every one if they're not wearing clothes from MONSOON. I always feel such a failure and beneath her, though I do really like her!
I can't wait for when it's over tonight, though I'm calmer than I was coming on here but feel so stupid when I've been in this very same situation over and over and always end up quite enjoying it, despite havign a few paranoid thoughts throughout the day about what people must really be thinking of me.


Well-known member
I often feel inferior to people who have good careers, for instance I saw one of my former classmates a few years ago and he's a teacher.

What I do now when I feel inferior to over people I think to myself that their shit stinks as bad as anyone elses and we are all going to the same place when we die.