Is this a good or bad idea?


Well-known member
It's completely your decision to make, but, to me... it sounds like having your friend move with you might be a good idea. There might end up being problems with some girl he's dating not wanting him to live with another girl, but that will be his problem to deal with.. not yours. If you ask him, he'll also have to think about it & make sure it's something he wants to do as well. But it does sound to me that it could be good for you.

If you make a list of pro's & con's & see which there are more of, that should make your decision easier.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
I think it's a good idea. I'm sure he has friends in uni, and that way maybe you could come into contact with other students and you might feel like more a part of the student body. You'll be less isolated, and there's no way of knowing if you guys will fight or not unless you try it. I think the benefits definitely outweigh the risks though.