Is there a hell?


Well-known member
I was just wondering what you guys all thought about the idea of hell. Is there a hell? What is hell like? What is God's relation to hell? What is the relationship of sin to hell? Do you guys believe in hell as Protestant Christians teach it? :oops:

Basically I was wondering if you believe that there is a divine penalty for sin and that God renders a penalty upon certain sinners in hell? :(

Thank you for answering this somewhat odd question. If any of you have any comments or observations about this topic and your social inhibitions and anxieties, I would appreciate any unproven conjecture! :roll:

Very happy to be on this forum, and I love all of my timid homies!


Well-known member
Welcome Zipper - how gorgeous is your avatar :D
I don't believe there is a hell - to me the notion of it was masterminded as a means of controlling people. And a very affective one it has proven to be indeed. I think the made up notion in itself is what is evil.


Well-known member
Are there any Protestants or Catholics out there who believe that there is a divine penalty for sin that will be rendered upon the sinner or upon Christ as his substitutionary atonement? :?: This is the standard theology of divine justice in Christianity, correct? :idea: Are there people out there in social phobia world that hold to this metaphysic? 8)

Are there people here who grew up with this theology?

I'm just trying to get a running tally, not trying to proselatize or get into any fights. :roll: Love ya! :D


Well-known member
I was raised Catholic :)

For the past few years ive neglected my religion, im not really sure why. I do beleive in the after life, and its nice to think that murders and rapists will get wots coming to them in some sort of hell. But tbh nobody knows whats gonna happen when we die. Every religion has its own take on it.


Well-known member
I think everyone will get what they deserve except through mercy. Exactly who deserves what and on what basis mercy is given I don't know, and I don't guess at the former. I've been thinking about and researching this a lot lately. All I've decided for sure is that I am in no position to assume my fate or anyone elses. I don't like the Christian idea that you can be so dead sure you're going to Heaven (which actually isn't even biblical, from what I can tell), but I don't have a problem with the idea that everyone might require mercy because pure justice would be bad news for us all.

Exactly what sins you've committed, be it murder or stealing or just not giving someone as much time as you would want for yourself, all come from the same sin, or source of sin: selfishness. If you value yourself above what is right, you are a sinner. How that selfishness manifests itself actually isn't in our control - do you think anyone chooses to need to do bad things to get pleasure? Isn't that rather down to our genes and our experiences? If we could choose, we would rather not have to do anything at all for satisfaction. If happiness were totally free, we would take it. No one wants to need anything, because needing things isn't in our interest. I'm not bad because I want to hurt people - wanting something isn't in my best interest, so how can that be selfish? - I'm bad becaue I obey that want at the cost of what's right. Thus, we may assume that all sin is the same. If you've ever done something selfish, however minimal the consequences were, you can be sure that you would do things with far worse consequences if it were also in your overall interest. The fact that it's never been in your interest to is not a credit to your soul, which would have done perhaps exactly the same as your neighbour's in the same position, but down to your own good fortune.

This is why I see Hell as plausible for a world under a just God, or a just system, if you prefer. What is it exactly? I don't have much of an opinion on that. But I don't see it as very important, so long as we believe that justice will be done. (If we are given mercy, that is still justice if the mercy-giver deserves to do so for his own sake. So one way or another, justice will be done.)

I don't choose to believe this. I can't help it, because it's where reason has lead me so far...


Well-known member
I dont believe there´s a Hell. You know why? Because, if i do, i WILL go to it. It´s pretty sad but, I am wrong by nature, keep thinking and doing things out of biblical context, if there´s really a Hell, i already got a saved seat.
That´s why i only believe in a nice, comfortable heaven for me, where i´ll watch my whole life again(and alot of other people´s too) and do all things that i wanted to do...


Active member
I believe hell is the total absence of God, just as evil is the absence of goodness and darkness is the absence of light. I believe in God and I believe that God is love, that’s his nature, and wherever you see beauty and goodness in the world you’re seeing god/love, but where you see evil and fear it’s the absence of God/love.

Nobody’s perfect right? Everybody sins, so I believe NOBODY is worthy of heaven…BUT, I believe in the bible, and the bible says that God sent his son to die for our sins so that we can all get into heaven…all we have to do is believe in Jesus. It’s a free gift; we just have to accept it. The reason I believe this is because the bible also says that once we believe, God will send down his holy spirit to live inside of us, and well I can feel it (which is difficult to prove to someone who doesn’t feel what I feel but once you feel it you’ll know!!!). The bible also says that the Holy Spirit is a “deposit guaranteeing our inheritance” in heaven (I assume in heaven!). So, I don’t KNOW I’m going to heaven, but this is the level or certainty I’m at, at the mo.


Well-known member
itchy said:
Nobody’s perfect right? Everybody sins, so I believe NOBODY is worthy of heaven…BUT, I believe in the bible, and the bible says that God sent his son to die for our sins so that we can all get into heaven…all we have to do is believe in Jesus. It’s a free gift; we just have to accept it.
OK, itchy. So you believe the Christian theology that those who believe that Christ took God's penalty for their sin on the cross will be pardoned by God ("justified by faith") and will not be penalized with hell. So generally, Christians are going to heaven and those who reject the penal substitutionary atonement of Christ are going to be penalized with hell, correct? Please let me know if I have accurately represented your view. Thank you!

Anybody else have an idea about the afterlife that is the same or different from this?

Is Itchy the only one who believes standard Protestant/Catholic theology of God-man relations?


Well-known member
Zipper said:
Is there a hell? What is hell like?

Yes it is, I've been through it :twisted: . Well, u can't imagine what is like, but i'll tell u I would never want to go back there again :?

To make yourself an idea of what is hell like, imagine your worst nightmare and amplify it ten times and try living with it a few hours a day, for like 3 months. I did.


Active member
Yea, Zipper, that’s right, although I’m no expert theologist and I have to say that I do have trouble with the idea that people who don’t believe in Jesus go to hell as I have Sikh and Muslim friends. Fear of hell is a horrible thing and I find some of the theological technicalities of who goes to heaven and who goes to hell a little overwhelming sometimes for my little brain! (i.e. children, baptisms, repentance, people born before Jesus, etc). I'm not 100% sure of anything, but I guess that's what having faith is about.


Well-known member
itchy said:
I have to say that I do have trouble with the idea that people who don’t believe in Jesus go to hell as I have Sikh and Muslim friends. Fear of hell is a horrible thing and I find some of the theological technicalities of who goes to heaven and who goes to hell a little overwhelming sometimes for my little brain! (i.e. children, baptisms, repentance, people born before Jesus, etc).
The problem I have is, how do you define Jesus? How do you know who believes in Him and who doesn't? Take this quote: "Not every one who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 7:21)
Then He goes on to say that He 'never knew' certain people who did miracles in His name. To do miracles, you must have faith that they'll work. So in what way were they 'unbelievers?' According to at least one gospel, Jesus describes God as 'good'. Perhaps, you must believe in what's good? We can't achieve goodness ourselves once we've chosen evil, but we can believe in it, love it and strive for it.

There are many examples of Jesus telling people to repent to be saved. This is also a feature of the Old Testament. To repent is to change your mindset, to decide not to do something again and to be truly sorry for it and humble. This I think is what the message really was. When you are truly humble, it won't be so difficult to do what's right, because you stop seeing yourself as the centre of the Universe. Does anyone not, in at least one sense, see their own feelings as all-important? That's what we must strive not to do.

Jesus existed before the world, and there were rituals given to the Jews symbolic of what was to happen. These people, then, could have believed in what Jesus was, if Jesus is the sacrificial part of God, and God is defined as 'good' and 'love'. Jesus was present then as He is now, only now we know something about what happened that those people didn't. The form He took on Earth doesn't define Him, does it? If it did, why isn't every miracle-doer accepted, and how come Abraham was? And wouldn't that mean that if anything had happened slightly differently, He wouldn't be Jesus anymore? :? If I believe His name was Harry, when it wasn't, or that He actually lived in China, born 2300 years before He really was, do I still believe in Jesus? If I believe all the conventional things, except the crucifiction part, am I still a believer?

He never said, 'you must believe that I did this then and that another time and that it happened like this... in order to be saved.'
He said 'believe in me' and 'love me'. What's this 'me'?
OK, so He implied, pretty strongly it seems, that He was God's son. Most say that this is what you must believe to be saved. What does 'God's son' mean? In what way was He different to Adam? Jesus quotes the Torah when He mentions that God called us all 'sons'. There are going to be different understandings of what 'God's son' means in the minds of different people, especially the minds of people with no education in reproduction who will have to guess exactly what happens when anyone is conceived, and therefore what human parenthood really means. People used to think that the baby recieved all of its characteristics from its father, the mother merely being vehicle until its birth. I've gone on at this too much... is it clear what I'm driving at?

I do believe that we should share the 'historical Jesus', as some Quakers put it, with the world, but is its purpose to save us from Hell? Can believing some historical facts and even trying to live by them be what saves us? That's not a hypothetical question... please answer me someone, I'm not decided yet... :)


Well-known member
Wow this is a deeply theological debate I'v stumbled onto.
I'll refrain from commenting further on the grounds that I may self incriminate.


Active member
Hi racheH...I’ll try to keep up and answer as best I can…but I think you might be a tad more intelligent than me! lol.
racheH said:
The problem I have is, how do you define Jesus? How do you know who believes in Him and who doesn't?
Yea totally, I remember the moment I was “born again” and filled with gods spirit, I still had lots of questions about Jesus. I wasn’t totally convinced he was the Son of God at that point. I was just seeking god and reading the bible and I guess god see’s what’s in your heart or something? In fact even today, I’d say my faith in "God" is still stronger than my faith in “Jesus”!
racheH said:
Take this quote:....."(Matthew 7:21)"
This verse seems to imply that faith is not enough, you must do the will of God, but I hate that idea, cause I thought Christ died for our sins? It would be implying that the Son of God is not a sufficient enough sacrifice for our sins. I think maybe the verse is about our hearts…God see’s our hearts.
racheH said:
There are many examples of Jesus telling people to repent to be saved. This is also a feature of the Old Testament. To repent is to change your mindset, to decide not to do something again and to be truly sorry for it and humble. This I think is what the message really was. When you are truly humble, it won't be so difficult to do what's right, because you stop seeing yourself as the centre of the Universe. Does anyone not, in at least one sense, see their own feelings as all-important? That's what we must strive not to do.
Agreed! (Also, I have a sneaky suspicion that humilty is the cure for S.A.D….I’m still working on it!). Plus repentance I find hard too…how can I tell when I’ve truly repented…and what if I get hit by a bus before repenting for my last batch of sins!!? That can’t be right!
racheH said: it clear what I'm driving at?
hmm...yea, I think I see what you’re getting at. It’s not Jesus, in the form of a man, specifically that we must believe, it’s his nature…(kind of?!), and his spirit and what he represents.

Hmm…they were some great questions racheH! You have a very big brain!
I reckon it’s all about our hearts….God see’s our hearts, and Jesus or god may take many different forms for different people but the same relative leap of faith still has to be made, and god see’s this, I think, for each individual case…maybe?!
I remember, for me, I just prayed to God and said, “God, whoever you are, if you are true, I’d really like to know you, so please help me out! Thanks!”…and he answered!…”he who seeks finds”


Well-known member
I'm Catholic and I believe that there is a hell. I also believe in Heaven.

I think that if you are a truely mean spirited and evil person who has committed horrible sins such as murder and rape, that you will not be accepted into Heaven. I don't believe in redemption when you've committed sins such as those. Like I don't know if you've all heard in the news... about the man Tookie Williams who is sentenced to be put to death on Tuesday. Well he's made claims of redemption and has been asked California Governer, Arnold Schwarzenegger, to spare his life. I really don't believe that there is redemption for the kind of crimes he's committed, and I still believe that he will be going to hell.


Well-known member
is there a hell?, hell yes, it is..

1 living with your dumbf&$k parents

2 having no money to get away from your dumbf&$k parents

3 having no social skills to get a job, to get money, and to get away from your dumbf&$k parents

4 having no life and no friends, so no reason go out to ....well you all know the rest by now

did i mention my parents are $%#@? wow i feel somewhat liberated now...

Yeah look this is a sticky! subject. I can relate to you in every way on this issue.

I have parents who have provided in the material sense. But in return they feel like they have a license to control you and the way you think.
You must do everything they say while living in their house.

I have very old fashioned parents who are hung up on old fashioned principles. My dad fits unde the "Grumpy Old Man" category and has no plans on changing.

So i like you am doing my best to move out of course its money that is the issue.

It can seem like hell! i know.. i try and avoid my parents at all costs because they can so easily be set off and then it becomes a war or indifferences.

Un affectionate, cold, bitter. It doesnt help people who have social issues.


Well-known member
itchy said:
racheH said:
The problem I have is, how do you define Jesus? How do you know who believes in Him and who doesn't?
Yea totally, I remember the moment I was “born again” and filled with gods spirit, I still had lots of questions about Jesus. I wasn’t totally convinced he was the Son of God at that point. I was just seeking god and reading the bible and I guess god see’s what’s in your heart or something? In fact even today, I’d say my faith in "God" is still stronger than my faith in “Jesus”!
That's very interesting. The organised church generally says you can't be born again unless you're a 'believer', and if you weren't sure that Jesus was the Son of God, by their definition, you weren't a believer; little more than the friends you mentioned.
itchy said:
racheH said:
Take this quote:....."(Matthew 7:21)"
This verse seems to imply that faith is not enough, you must do the will of God, but I hate that idea, cause I thought Christ died for our sins? It would be implying that the Son of God is not a sufficient enough sacrifice for our sins. I think maybe the verse is about our hearts…God see’s our hearts.
Other verses suggest that all we need is faith, but there are those that as you say, suggest it's not enough. This is why the works vs. faith debate between various denominations seems impossible to end. Personally, I synthesise the two views with the help of this verse: '"If you have love for me, you will keep my laws."' (John 14:15) (BBE version) As you say, God knows our hearts, so He will know if we are obeying His laws, or commands when we make decisions. The decisions themselves aren't indicitave of our souls, but the basis of them determines whether we are following His laws or not. So the miracles of the people in the story meant nothing, because if they had had the faith that God is interested in they would have done His will. Faith that there is a powerful God is not the same as faith in God. God is good, not just powerful. If we believe nothing else we must believe in that goodness. Maybe because the power and everything else comes from that goodness. :?: That's my interpretation...
itchy said:
I have a sneaky suspicion that humilty is the cure for S.A.D….I’m still working on it!). Plus repentance I find hard too…how can I tell when I’ve truly repented…and what if I get hit by a bus before repenting for my last batch of sins!!? That can’t be right!
That's also very interesting... someone here used to say their SAD stopped being a problem when they were completely 'honest' with everyone - not trying to hide anything. I think this would at least solve anxiety on one front - half the stress is caused by checking and rechecking that you're not embarassing yourself. Just to quit and let things happen naturally (be yourself) could help a lot. However, anxiety in social situations can be caused by several things, I believe. 'Social anxiety' is an ambiguous term. I always refer to my problem as 'social phobia' because that gives more of a clue as to what mine was (yes, was, as in, is no longer :) ) - an irrational fear of something (in itself) harmless. No amount of humility was going to cure me of that, any more than it would stop me fearing spiders. I already had self-esteem low enough to trip on :roll:. If your problem is more complex than that, I can imagine what you might mean though. Maybe pride contributes to the worry of some people. :?:

About the bus...a sparrow doesn't die without God's permission... that's in there somewhere. I guess it's the same for you :)

Thanks for the compliments... :) :oops:


Active member
I don't think you can believe in heaven without there being a hell. They're two sides of the same coin. I don't believe in either, and I certainly don't believe in god.

Now Jesus is another matter. But it depends whether you're talking about the 'supernatural' Jesus of the bible stories, or a real man who could have existed and been the catalyst for the bible stories. A sort of Gandhi figure if you like.


Well-known member
shredz02 said:
is there a hell?, hell yes, it is..

1 living with your dumbf&$k parents

2 having no money to get away from your dumbf&$k parents

3 having no social skills to get a job, to get money, and to get away from your dumbf&$k parents

4 having no life and no friends, so no reason go out to ....well you all know the rest by now

did i mention my parents are $%#@? wow i feel somewhat liberated now...

you've been through there too ? :? or i guess you're still there, sorry about that

i can relate to you tottaly except my parents are overprotective and my mother spoils me. my father on the other hand has problems with controlling temper and he always yells at me and makes me feel like a piece of sh*i, and i can't say anything in reply cause i tried that once and i came close to have my neck twisted 8O

can't say my dad doesn't loves me but he has serious problems showing it , i think having to put up with his insults and negative words he tells me about my person added to my low self esteem and ability to defend myself in a verbal conflict, and of course to my SP

the trouble is he gathers and takes shit from everybody (i guess cause he has social anxiety ass well and doesn't have the guts to reply) and by the moment he gets home he lets it all out on me and i have to swallow all the criticism and swearing from him and don't say a word cause that will make him act more agresive, i mean he gets psysichaly.

i've been getting this since i was a little boy. my mother says she has a hard time at work and big responsabilities cause he approves important military weapons and million dollars equipment and this job is very stresfull. but that doesn't give him the right do to that to me, my self esteem is low as it is, i don't need anyone to told me that i'm not capable of doing this and that and won't ever get a decent job or won't be able to get through life by myself sh*t like that... :evil:

so, shredz02, that is one of the reasons i want to get my own place someday, as soon as possible. And about the no life and no friends part, this is the most hellish part for me.

sorry for the offtopic