is it possible to make friends in a small-town bar

Is it possible like, if I go there when I'm a regular there on the weekends? I honestly don't have any friends to hang out with ont he weekends in the evening/late night hours doing fun stuff


Well-known member
For me, it would be too scary :) I'd prefer an 'easy' setting like a course or volunteering stuff or such to meet people.. Or to go with people from work or gym or who I met online and met up in daylight first or something..? Or to get part-time work there? :)

Are you male or female? This may make a difference too..

Some people do get 'friends' in bars perhaps, you might want to check these would not only be 'alcoholic friends' or people who hang around just as long as you got the money.. Depends on the bar too.. Think 'Cheers' or something more 'dangerous'? (Small towns can be different too - 5.000 or 50.000 people? and bars differ too, some may have a history of 'troublemakers', some can be more peaceful.. It's good to talk to someone local who knows them, or has worked there..)
For me, it would be too scary :) I'd prefer an 'easy' setting like a course or volunteering stuff or such to meet people.. Or to go with people from work or gym or who I met online and met up in daylight first or something..? Or to get part-time work there? :)

Are you male or female? This may make a difference too..

Some people do get 'friends' in bars perhaps, you might want to check these would not only be 'alcoholic friends' or people who hang around just as long as you got the money.. Depends on the bar too.. Think 'Cheers' or something more 'dangerous'? (Small towns can be different too - 5.000 or 50.000 people? and bars differ too, some may have a history of 'troublemakers', some can be more peaceful.. It's good to talk to someone local who knows them, or has worked there..)

It's mostly a peaceful bar. Only seen 1 fight break out in the last year and I go thre ALL the time.


Well-known member
It's mostly a peaceful bar. Only seen 1 fight break out in the last year and I go thre ALL the time.

Well if you go there all the time, have you tried chatting with the staff or some of the regulars yet? (Also monitor for signs they'd rather be alone, in that case drink up and say 'Gotta go' or something like that, so you're the one to leave, keep it upbeat and short and interesting at first.. Some may appreciate the company and start talking.. :))

Don't get too drunk though, so you wouldn't know what you're doing etc. stay sober enough to know where you are at and to get home safely.. :)
It sure is a great oppurtinity to meet people, you can have a good conversation with someone there. But still I wouldn't feel comfortable sitting alone in a bar.
I would take someone with me. But I know u've got a chance more if you sit alone, because people think like, ''Hey, she's sitting there all by herself, I should go talk to her''. You know. So it is a good way.
and its really brave that you do that, keep doing that:)
i hope u will meet some nice people