Is it possible to be a semi sociaphobe?......


New member
Hi all, i'm new to the forum and am after some advise if possible.

Recently, i have have a change in job which requires that i attend meetings and i am finding this to be a nightmare.

It's really strange because if you met me down the pub you would think that i could talk in front of thousands without worry but put me in a meeting room and god forbid ask me to chair a meeting and i have sleepless nights.

Worst of all i panic to the point where i shake, sweat and my mind goes completely blank.

It is really starting to be come a problem as 2 weeks before a meeting where i know i will have to talk i start worrying and it is starting to take over my life a little bit.

My question is, 'Am i a semi sociaphobe?' and 'does anyone have any tips on how to overcome this?'

Thanks in advance.


Well-known member
Well.. you could have a specific phobia. Fear of public speaking, perhaps? If that is the case, you can easily conquer the worst of it by practicing a lot, practicing in front of the mirror, going over what you're going to say, practicing in front of family and friends and getting their input. Also reminding yourself that in the end, it's just a silly meeting! (nothing in life should be taken too serious!) :)

For having guts at the pub.. It's pretty simple when you've had a few beers.. no? :p


Well-known member
Sounds to me like you don't have social phobia/anxiety so much, more like a fear of public speaking like RR said.

Have you compared yourself to the symptoms lists for social phobia? How many of them can you relate to?

They should give you a pretty good idea of wether you have it or not :)


New member
Through my A-levels (or whatever you call it in the UK - yes I know I'm in the wrong forum, but anyway...) I didn't say much in class and hated it when I did, but it wasn't untill I started working at a place with daily meetings that I noticed that something was wrong. I was soaked when I finally got out of the meetings and although I rarely had to say anything it was torture just being in there.

I can handle certain situations that might be hard for some people with SP. For instance, I've worked at a shop selling TV's for many years without problems. I still consider myself sociaphobic though, because I feel very uncomfortable in other situations than speaking in front of a crowd. If I present an opinion of mine and someone argues against it I become completely unable to continue the discussion and sometimes the feeling is so strong I actually forget what I'm talking about. Generally, whenever my mind comes across somekind of emotion that would be likely, but embarrassing in the given situation, I become afraid of expressing exactly this although I don't feel it... If you know what I mean 8)

For instance, in the situation I mentioned before, if someone presents an opinion in opposition to mine then I fear I will look offended. As a result I feel the symptoms of SP and that makes me look really sad or, well, offended. At least that's how I experience the situation.

So to answer your question: ... I don't know :wink:

Do you have or have you ever had any other situations than the meetings where phobia sets in?


New member
trash said:
Hi all, i'm new to the forum and am after some advise if possible.

Recently, i have have a change in job which requires that i attend meetings and i am finding this to be a nightmare.

It's really strange because if you met me down the pub you would think that i could talk in front of thousands without worry but put me in a meeting room and god forbid ask me to chair a meeting and i have sleepless nights.

Worst of all i panic to the point where i shake, sweat and my mind goes completely blank.

It is really starting to be come a problem as 2 weeks before a meeting where i know i will have to talk i start worrying and it is starting to take over my life a little bit.

My question is, 'Am i a semi sociaphobe?' and 'does anyone have any tips on how to overcome this?'

Thanks in advance.

I feel as though I could've written that post myself. That is exactly how I am. In the pub I'm popular, have a good laugh, have a good group of friends and everyone knows me and thinks that I'm a confident, if somewhat laid back, kind of guy.

In a work environment, tell me that I've a meeting to go to or a training course to attend and my stomach will literally go in knots, I'll tremble and the panic and sense of dread is overwhelming. No, I haven't found a cure yet but I'm sure as hell looking and I hope that the one I'm trying now is the one that will finally work for me. I wish you well too mate.


Well-known member
beater blockers

hi try taking beater blockers they stop your bodys physical reaction to the fear of say a meeting i.e sweating heart pounding and there perscribed for literally public speakers no side effects literally just stop the panic see what your GP has to say about it too .good luck