Is it normal for a 20 year old to not had girlfriend?


Well-known member
i always thought it was weird because i had like 7 girlfriends by the time i was 14, but then i got SA and since then relationships have been hard, so now i understand

Keep in mind that there's a difference between puppy love in middle school (akin to the relationship between Stan and Wendy from South Park) and a serious relationship. I've had three non-serious relationships before I started having anxiety at 13, but I really didn't learn anything from them. I didn't have a serious relationship before the age of 21.


I don't think there is a problem with not having a girlfriend by the age of 20.
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Well-known member
Im also 20 and never had. I actually am not bothered by the fact I have never had a girlfriend. Its not even an aim of mine tbh, unless it felt right at the time. However its not experiencing some of the things that comes with having one, like the intimacy, that bothers me. I feel like most people at my age who dont have girlfriends have done/do get to experience this. perhaps not as much as I imagine, but I don't know. But anyway thats what gets to me more. Maybe if I were to experience it I'd think differently about it. But right now having not done, it feels like a big part of life is missing by not experiencing this.
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Active member
I'm sure it's normal. Assuming that SA is normal. But then people may not have partners for other reasons, such as saving themselves for marriage (not all potential partners are ok with that, duh). I got my boyfriend when I was 17, but if he hadn't pursued me as much as he did, I most likely would still be single.


Well-known member
Yeah its normal don't worry about it, Don't go looking for love as you may end up with someone you don't even truly love, It will happen when its meant to happen =) and when it does happen maybe it never ends :)