Irritating Conversations w/others


Well-known member
...hmm, didn't know quite what to entitle this...

and has this site been 'updated' or something? Looks different - a good different :)

Let me start by stating by NO means am I a 'know it all' type person, in fact, I ask tons of questions because I like to learn about things. I am the type to join in a conversation by simply knowing what I am talking about (even if it's only my opinion) but I do try to get my facts straight before flapping my gums - let's face it, it takes me a lot of courage to build up to conversations with others - I am fearful of looking/sounding stupid... We SA'ers understand

with that said -

Conversation topic 1:Hurricane Sandy:

Person A: (while listening to news on Hurricane Sandy and the terrible aftermath and how people are without basic necessities) "I don't get it, see, why don't people just leave the area when they are told to do so and if they can't afford a hotel, stay at a hotel 6 or something cheaper, or at least be prepared, they knew it was coming, how can people be so ignorant to not at least be prepared or just drive inland away from the water"

Me: "Well, I see what you are saying, but consider the fact that for a good chunk of the people, they were about as prepared as one could be - massive people went to grocery stores to stock up on necessities, filled up with gas, perhaps they weren't in an actual 'evacuation zone' .... maybe some people can not afford to 'just get out of town for a few days' "

Person A: "But still, they knew this was coming, it seems like if they chose to stay and they are now without food, water, electricity, they should not complain, they put themselves in that position. And I heard people complaining about their phones going dead and they couldn't get online because their batteries were dead on their laptops, that's stupid on their part, they should have thought ahead and got plug ins for their car to charge their stuff with."

Me: I'm sure some had those things, but maybe if they charged too long, they were afraid of running out of gas or battery of their car going dead" (at this point I just shook my head - I don't know - it's terribly unfortunate, and I feel bad for the people but I don't have all the answers - frankly, if SHE has all the answers, she should volunteer her time to go out there to help!)

Person A: "Well, that's why you get a hybrid car. See, I think of these things, we have a Prius and when I used my (breast) pump on the trip, not once did it drain the battery when I had to pump at rest stops. See, PEOPLE THINK AHEAD - jeezz what is wrong with them!"

Me: .... I just continued to feed HER child ... she was not budging, it didn't affect her, and my attempts to be neutral and relatively reasonable were futile at this point.

Conversation topic 2: Criminal Minds (the tv show):

Person A: "Did you see last week's episode?"

Me: "Yes, it was a good episode, but I caught a bit of a blunder. Remember when (blah, blah, blah) and they mentioned Melatonin as a "sedative?"
Well, technically speaking, it is NOT a sedative, it's a hormone secreted by your body (pineal gland I think) but it could have sedative-like effects on the body if taken with other things like alcohol, but not to the exaggerated point the show was making it out to be"

Person A: "But they were mixing it with all those other herbs"

Me: "yes, but Melatonin is not a herb, and besides I read that it's being misused in some cases and that is why for some it doesn't work and for others it may work but not long term. Maybe for some people it's like a placebo effect, and others it could actually help with sleep but it should not be taken all the time. I don't know, whatever"

Person B joined in: "Angie, Yea, I get what you mean. I understand what you're talking about"

Person B to Person A: "See, that's why I don't like your cop shows, I'm a cop and they can be so silly at times" (jokingly laughs)

Conversation topic 3: Smoke Shops

Person B: "So my partner and I went into one of those smoke shops and it was ridiculous, the whole wall was covered in drug paraphernalia like MJ pipes, papers, you name it. And tucked away in one tiny corner, there's about 5 packs of actual tobacco they sell. So I asked the guy behind the counter, trying to play dumb, if there really THAT many people who smoke pipes these days or roll their own cigarettes and he's like, yeah, yeah, there are that many people. I just laughed to myself because it was so obvious but it's like, come on man, just tell me the truth. And he was selling those bath salts, and spice and hookah stuff." (he laughs)

(side note) Person B was following up on a lead in a case, they were not there to arrest anyone, they were following someone to the shop, and if the guy would have told him the truth anyway - it was not like he was going to get arrested.

Person A: "what is wrong with people, plain and simple, you just don't smoke or snort anything, common sense tells you not to do that."

Me: "Common sense is like a super power these days. You know as well as I do that people of all ages, races, social class use drugs regardless. I was watching a documentary on those bath salts, dragonfly, spice, and MDA and that synthetic or designer MJ, how it's relatively easy to get online, and for every arrest and operation police shut down, another pops right back up. Oh, and have you seen those YouTube videos on cinnamon challenges and stuff?"

Person B: (Now really laughing) "Oh yes, they crack me up. It's dumb, but it's like why do that. Tosh.O tried it and I busted up laughing"

Person A gives dirty look to Person B: "It's stupid and childish. He's an adult, why would he do that? I just don't understand people with that hookah and designer drugs either, if it says "not for human consumption on those labels then duh, don't do it."

Person B: "Well, Tosh.O it's just entertainment. That's all. As for the designer drugs, I don't know. Who knows. It's not my department, I'm vice, remember"

At this point, I just shake my head and laugh...I was tired and had gas, lol

I have had countless convos with Person A like these above. Some I just brush off, some I try to join in and others I try to ignore. Whenever I give a valid point or whatever, it's shot down by "how can people be so stupid" attitude.

Granted, yes, there are stupid people in the world who make stupid choices - I am by no means immune. I have made stupid choices and done some crazy stuff but hey, who hasn't? Oh, that's right, Person A. :eek:h:

ahh, I feel better now. Thanks for letting me indulge and entertain you in my silly little slice of life :bigsmile:


Well-known member
I don't like being around people who keep on calling others stupid. When they see or hear about somebody making a mistake, they say that person is stupid. They explain everything with human stupidity, which is not always the case. They don't try to understand the person or see things from that person's perspective.

I know because I've been called "stupid" many times by such people. Every little thing that I do is being scrutinized. I made many social mistakes, not because I want to but because of social phobia and lack of experience. Nevertheless, they still shoot me down and call me stupid, as if stupidity explains everything that I do. It's like they're out there to get me, finding fault with every little thing that I do. It's annoying. I avoid these people whenever I can.
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Well-known member
I don't like being around people who keep on calling others stupid. When they see or hear about somebody making a mistake, they say that person is stupid. They explain everything with human stupidity, which is not always the case. They don't try to understand the person or see things from that person's perspective.

I know because I've been called "stupid" many times by such people. Every little thing that I do is being scrutinized. I made many social mistakes, not because I want to but because of social phobia and lack of experience. Nevertheless, they still shoot me down and call me stupid, as if stupidity explains everything that I do. It's like they're out there to get me, finding fault with every little thing that I do. It's annoying. I avoid these people whenever I can.

@ laurie15, I try to avoid ppl like that as well. Unfortunately, Person A is my SIL with whom I live with. As long as we all stay in our corners, nobody will get hurt, lol!

I hear ya, though. I've been called 'stupid' more times than I can count. It hurts - it's a hurtful word and some people don't seem to be able to see other perspectives or think outside the box.

I'm sorry you've had this experience also. I wouldn't wish it on anyone!


Well-known member
@ laurie15, I try to avoid ppl like that as well. Unfortunately, Person A is my SIL with whom I live with. As long as we all stay in our corners, nobody will get hurt, lol!

I hear ya, though. I've been called 'stupid' more times than I can count. It hurts - it's a hurtful word and some people don't seem to be able to see other perspectives or think outside the box.

I'm sorry you've had this experience also. I wouldn't wish it on anyone!

I know how it is living with a SIL. We usualy did ok getting along as long as we just avoided each other most of the time. We didn;t see eye to eye on alot of things. I also have been called "stupid" and even more. It made me mad more than hurt my feelings though but sometimes my feelings did get hurt specialy when I was younger.