Iontophoresis suddenly stopped working!


Well-known member
Treatment stopped working for me about a year ago when I decided to spend half the year in Nevada from my home state in Salt Lake City, Utah. The signs were, well, sweat started to appear outside my 9 day maintenance treatment schedule. I was starting to sweat by day 14 and this got me real worried.

You know treatment isn't working when no matter how many maintenance treatments you do, you still sweat. I was saved by a stroke of ingenuity when I decided to collect rain water running off from the roof. I collected about 3 gallons in pots, pans, buckets and started doing my treatments everyday until after about 5-7 treatments, my hands started to become dry again. I was really lucky. I had no choice but to reuse my treatment water for at least 3 times. I also supplemented by using the local tap water which was useless until I could go back and get my previous local tap water.

I am smarter now. Before I travel to where I live half the year, I fill 3-4, 5 gallon containers of water from the location from where I know that the water works and bring it with me. Luckily I travel by car, and my water source is about 7 hours away. If I feel I'm running low on my desired water, I supplement with rain water even though it rarely rains in southern Nevada.


Do you guys get 100% dryness from iontophoresis? As for me, I get about 90% dryness. The middle part of my palms and thumbs seem very resistant for some reason. After 17 one hour treatments, I think I'm just going to settle and stop trying to achieve 100% dryness. By the way I mostly use 12 - 13 mA, maybe that's too weak?


Well-known member
Increase the mA to whatever you can withstand. Full dryness can take 4-8 weeks or sometimes more to achieve. Fingertips and such sometimes take forever so don't give up. I speak from experience, wait it out and sure the rest of your hand will be dry. I've lived through this more than once over my 6 years of treatment.


Hey Rexus - I just wanted to write to see how everything turned out with your treatments - whether they've become effective again and, if so, when and how, etc.

I'm actually curious because a similar issue happened to me twice now. Both times seemingly related to moving to new places where the water content was not effective for iontophoresis. I mentioned one time in an early posting. But just recently the same thing basically happened to me again.

i moved to a new apartment in January 2011 and the water there seemed to be effective until about 2 weeks ago (beginning of March). then i noticed a decreased effectiveness and a stop altogether.

so i switched back to the water i had been using (cheap mineral water from the grocery store). i did five treatments with that, and things are going much better now.

it just really is stressful when the treatments stop working. i've really gotten used to having this hand sweating thing under control. and it's no exaggeration to say that it's changed my life (which i know is a cliche, but very true for me). i can't even explain how much more confident and happy i am when the treatments are working. i feel like i'm the person i want to be. and when the treatments aren't working, i feel really bad about myself, like i'm some kind of freak. it's crazy what a dramatic difference this makes.

anyway, i just wanted to see how your treatments are going. and also see if anyone else has experienced similar issues with treatments stopping working and what steps they took to make them more effective. i want to learn as much as i can so that i can avoid ineffectiveness or minimize it when it happens.

i have totally same feeling with you,and the same thing happened to me,now.
i'm some kind of freak. it's crazy what a dramatic difference this makes.
i would try mineral water in your way,
now, to my surprise,stopping using ionto for 14 sessions, i sweat continully,after 2-3days, dryness come back,which can't maintain for long time,only 3-4days,this is my experience.
do you have other advices?